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Say NO to more polluting gas on Toronto's waterfront Say NO to more polluting gas on Toronto's waterfront

Tell MPs Julie Dabrusin and Steven Guilbeault that we need Clean Electricity Regulations that will prohibit the building of new gas-fired electricity generation in Toronto and all of Ontario effective immediately.

  • I wish there were an option to opt out of this: 'We will [...] keep you informed about this campaign and others.' I am more than willing to sign it, but I'm not interested in receiving unsolicited correspondence.

    • Recently, when I buy a product online, I've found that even if there is an opt-out of unsolicited correspondence option (which I always select) the mere act of giving my email address or phone number means I will receive unsolicited correspondence from them. I think you might find a dedicated "this is the email I sign up for things with and don't otherwise check" address useful. I'm sharing this because I greatly empathize with you, and I don't like much of how the internet has evolved. As the internet becomes more purely about tracking/targeting, data harvesting, and profiteering, we as users must change the way we use the internet. People are spending more and more time online while I think online literacy skills continue to fall. We've so quickly changed from "you can't trust things you find online" circa 2005-2015 to "if it's online it must be true" now that everyone has a smartphone and eats up whatever the algorithms they use suggest to them. Sorry for the bit of a rant
