Well, I switched to Edge for work with the latest Chrome update (since internal apps were Chromium only), and was pleasantly surprised. It actually let me turn off almost all the junk, and is responsive in a way I haven’t seen in a Chromium browser in years.
Safari and Firefox for personal use though, and nothing compelling to make me change that.
Y'all I dislike forced browser adoption as much as the next guy.
And I've been using Firefox for years and years and years now.
But, I'm forced to use edge for work. And, as a browser purely, none of the anti-trust baggage attached....
It's really not too bad. A lot of things work just fine. And sometimes, if I'm having weird performance on a website on a personal device, loading the same URL in edge has resulted in improved/expected functionality of the website
I switched from Chrome to Edge and initially was really impressed. But then Microsoft had to go and Bing it all up. So now it’s back to Firefox after a 15 year hiatus.
Fuck no, I'm not particularly a fan of how it forces itself on you like Brock Turner (the rapist).
It can go and join IE in whatever pit of hell we threw IE in
If you wanna say that Chrome is trash and people should use Firefox, Opera, Safari or whatever else is currently trending among privacy focused people that I can agree with (Even if I personally won't make the switch)
But Edge is NOT the answer, Edge is NEVER the answer. At this point I'm starting to wonder if all these Edge people in here are being paid by MS
The weirder thing is I was replacing a users desktop the other day and updating default apps. Edge did its usual "pleas love me" bit but then so did Windows Mail as I was changing it to Outlook 365 of all things..
Bing chat has saved edge and bing search for me, it just works. I ask it a random question, like how many spiders you'd have to eat to have eaten a pound of them and it just tells me and shows the work. I don't need to look up how much a spider weights and then do math myself, it just does it.
Firefox is still my main browser, but I'll open edge to ask dumb questions and I have a lot of stupid questions and it has answers without me needing to dig through bullshit to find what I need.
Sounds like good opportunity for US and Europe to whip out some fines over Anticompetitive practices.
With Microsoft sort of being repeat offender the fines should reflect that.
Honestly with Edge being not too bad alternative for Chrome this sort of shady behavior from Microsoft doesn't do it any good at least in my eyes.
Edge started itself on boot after a recent Windows update. It even had a little pop-up about how "helpful" it was to have it start right when my computer turns on so I can "get to browsing" faster. It's never been set as my default. Uhg.
Honestly have been using edge on my work computer for a while now and see no reason to change. I use Firefox on my personal computer but for now Edge is just fine.
I use Edge whenever something needs to stream on a Windows PC, unlike other Chromium builds it is capable of hardware acceleration and therefor 4k streaming. Whenever you watch 4k on Google Chrome it isn't really that high quality.
I was getting a bit annoyed at Firefox and after recently formatting my PC, I decided to freshen things up. So after the mandatory new PC Edge Google, I must say I'm really enjoying the new UI of Opera.
Now I use Opera as my main driver, Firefox for the things that Opera struggles with, and Edge is there too.