Reddit no longer links your content when they ban you, and you can only appeal once
Reddit no longer links your content when they ban you, and you can only appeal once

Reddit no longer links your content when they ban you, and you can only appeal once
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Nothing new, actually. When I was banned years ago (suspiciously after calling out some astroturfing), they didn't give a reason either.
I pointed out that the Australian subreddits were being very obviously astro-turfed. And then I made a post naming the Aus PR companies that were openly running bot campaigns on Reddit and who was using them.
That account got banned in record fucking time lol. And no reason was given either, it was a site-wide IP ban. Luckily one call to my ISP and that was sorted lol.
They welcome the evasion since they don't actually want their number of ad impressions going down. They were just letting you know that under no circumstances were you to show anyone what's behind the curtain.
Mind if I ask how long ago you were banned? It seems like over the last 6-9 months nationalist subreddits have ended up with a huge amount of sway in gettting people banned for arguing with them.
IP ban isn't the only way they can get you though. I've had them catch me out even with a fresh IP. They fingerprint browsers, using their own implementation of backend Google captcha (you don't connect to, but
I think they use the email too. I once made a second with the same email and it was fine for a few minutes and then banned. I hadn't voted or commented on anything yet.
Then I made another with a brand new email on a different service and it too was banned pretty quick before I engaged with anything. That one I think was fingerprinted because my home IP changes every couple months naturally, so I wasn't on the same IP that would have been banned. Also sometime around then I started using a VPN and it was still banned, so I'm thinking it was a fingerprint.
At that point I was kinda over it but I was curious about the system. So I tried once more with another new service email, on a different IP from being on a mobile away from home. That one worked. It probably still works, but I don't remember it or the password or the email I made for it. So it's out there somewhere, but I don't care any more because this all finished up around the time reddit killed third party apps, so I found this and my app came over, so I just entered the fediverse.
I still have my NSFW account there which does still have all of my niche interests in far greater supply than I've found here so far. I've got my NSFW account here, but all the communities die pretty quick, so it's not much use yet.
Somewhat, yes. I had a bunch of alts that used similar emails, they all got axed, but one was spared, perhaps because I never clicked to confirm the email. Then I suspect they linked any remaining or new accounts with different emails via a recent desktop browser.
It was kind of cool looking into when everything was banned. Accounts I hadn't logged into for years had been banned, all together - but not immediately with the first main ban.
I think IP alone isn't enough for them to decide to ban, though.
sounds about right. I got perma banned for "harassment" for essentially saying spez is a piece of shit lol
I got perma banned because I've gotten 4 or 5 accounts banned over the years for being toxic and harassing people. I made a joking "call to violence" and they hit me with a perma.
Meh. I deserved it for sure. If they let me back on the platform I'd do it again 😈
Congratulations, fuckwit.
Thanks! Yeah there are some other websites where people share their reddit troll victims and funny comment threads where people are losing their minds. It's a fun little game to see how many people you can get.
You got me there. It really does sound like you're living life to the fullest of your potential.
It's so weird how people want to downvote you for trolling shitty Reddit. If you love it so much, go back?
I can't go back :( they fingerprinted my computer, phone, email, all of it. Allegedly I can go to a library and make a new account with a burner email but I haven't tried.
They can't fingerprint your computer, that's a lie that Moderators tell to non-techsavy users to discourage ban evasion, just use the browsing history data you and the browser voluntarily give them, use Reddit through Tor and it won't be effective, you can harass their admins constantly and they can't do a thing about it, just keep banning the accounts (unless they want to Ban Tor which I don't forsee happening at least for a while).
Just don't try pushing your luck because if you say anything too evil (i.e. threats of mass violence, mass destruction, violence or harm against the government, etc.) Dpeartment of Investigation, FBI, or Secret Service could still come after you with Tor.