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Dear iPhone users:
  • How does this belong in memes??? thete isn’t a single meme able thing in this image, it’s not funny or interesting either. It’s brain dead fanboy fullshit, as many in the comments have shown.

    Lame as fuck

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    Dear iPhone users:
  • Absolutely, well put!! It’s honestly sad in my eyes

    I’ve given up especially when it comes to Linux vs Mac on the topic of open source. People will have such a violent reaction that they cannot possibly consider Apple as anything else but the literal antithesis of open source.

    if you think Apple has a place in open source, you’d be right, but you’ll also get attacked for it because Apple bad.

    Only a handful of months ago Apple released open source AI models that run on-device.

    It’s so obvious over many years that Apple has always gotten their hands dirty in the open source world going back to even before the birth of OSX, both with use and contributions, yet this is stomped out by the notion of expensive and elitist Apple could never and would never actually bother contributing to open source codebases

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    Doubts grow in White House about presenting new Gaza deal terms
  • pretty sure the latest blow to the ceasefire and thus the latest to walk away from the table as you put it, was Hamas adding yet more terms, but okay.

    President Joe Biden’s months-long push for a cease-fire and hostage release deal between Israel and Hamas has been upended again in recent days, putting the deal on life support as U.S. officials say they are reassessing next steps after they initially hoped to present the two sides with a “take it or leave it” proposal in the coming days.

    The latest obstacle — the abrupt introduction by Hamas of a new demand surrounding which prisoners Israel would release — underscores the frustrating, often excruciating process that has preoccupied top U.S. officials, and Biden himself, for nine months. At several recent points the United States, along with Qatar and Egypt, believed a deal was within reach, only for Israel or Hamas to derail the talks with new demands that set negotiators back weeks or months.

    Obligatory fuck the IDF and Bibi and Hamas. Reminder that hostages and killing said hostages are also warcrimes, disgusting acts on both sides. No this isn't whataboutism, it's not an excuse but it simply is not just about the piece of shit IDF. Hamas has responsibility here as well.

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    Trump rebrands his ramblings as ‘I do the weave’ – but is he just losing it?
  • ... seriously? That's all you got??

    His father had dementia (thus genetically predisposed), he shows (and has shown for years) every single symptom of frontotemporal dementia.

    ...and your explanation is he gives speeched a lot and doesn't know big words? Are you trying to get a job with the media sane-washing his absurd bullshit?

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    The Pivotal Decision That Led to a Resurgence of Polio

    they're so goddamn STUPID and SELFISH. They don't deserve to live on this planet, ship em to mars they can be unvaxxed over there with Phony Stark

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    Mother of Georgia Suspect Called School Minutes Before Shooting, Family Says
  • Strange that the FBI contacted the FATHER and not the mother regarding a child (unless both were visited?). So weird as usually it's the opposite; schools for example always try and work with the mother when it comes to kids and their parents.

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    Why is Lemmy not a place for thoughts and observations, rather than just links, questions, and memes? And could it be?
  • Reddit didn’t seem to be missing this puzzle piece to the extent that Lemmy is.

    With this comment it's clear that you are lamenting userbase count, and thus "Lemmy" (there is no singular Lemmy) isn't meeting the content expectations you built with reddit due to this far lower user count.

    Be the change you want to see, set up an instance and craft it to this concept you're after. If not, Mastodon exists as the comment you replied to mentioned.

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    Why is Lemmy not a place for thoughts and observations, rather than just links, questions, and memes? And could it be?
  • Why is Lemmy not a place for thoughts and observations, rather than just links, questions, and memes?

    First off, Lemmy isn't "a place", each instance is unique in their own way. You are quite welcome to set up an instance around this concept, it's not hard.

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    Has anyone else noticed Zip-locks have changed?
  • shrinkflation

    nah it's just corporate greed. Calling this 'shrinkflation' gives these greedy price gougers some form of excuse by linking it to inflation even though they're doing this to us simply because they can.

  • A photo of a philodendron pink princess with many mostly green leaves with pink highlights and a newly unfurled leaf that is completely pink


    They're (impossible to tell gender until they quite literally start breeding) pushing past 2 inches! The patterns are coming in on the dorsal and tail especially right now! They will keep growing up to ~10 or so inches, so a long road ahead! They'll be the tank boss when they're bigger but for now that's left to the Angelfish and Electric Blue Acara :)

    If you're curious what an adult looks like, check out this great video by PrimeTime Aquatics (channel definitely recommended)

    4 “You’re Telling Me That Thing Is Forged?”: The Inside Story of How Trump’s “Body Guy” Tried and Failed to Order a Massive Military Withdrawal

    In an excerpt from his new book, Tired of Winning, Jonathan Karl reveals how officials were stunned when a presidential directive pulling troops out of Afghanistan and Somalia landed on their desk. Of course, they’d later learn that it wasn’t exactly Trump’s idea.


    A former quarterback at the University of Connecticut, he achieved short-lived internet fame in 2011 when a video of him throwing trick passes went viral. Trump liked having him around and soon made him his personal assistant, taking him along whenever he traveled. As the campaign ramped up, he became Trump’s “body guy,” carrying the candidate’s bags and relaying messages.

    he was also named director of the Presidential Personnel Office, which is responsible for the vetting, hiring, and firing of the four thousand political appointees who serve in the executive branch. McEntee may have never hired or fired anybody before in his life, but he was fiercely loyal—and for Trump, that made him the perfect choice for the job.

    McEntee’s team reached the apex of its power after Trump lost the election in 2020. Within days, they orchestrated sweeping changes to the civilian leadership at the Pentagon that resulted in Defense Secretary Mark Esper and other top officials being fired. In preparing for Esper’s ouster, McEntee and his team created a memo listing the Pentagon chief’s sins against Trump, arguing he “consistently breaks from POTUS’ direction, and has failed to see through his policies.”

    Trump fired Esper and replaced him with McEntee’s preferred successor, National Counterterrorism Center director and Army Special Forces veteran Christopher Miller. To serve as Miller’s senior advisor, McEntee recruited a retired Army colonel named Douglas Macgregor, whose regular appearances on Fox News had caught the White House’s attention. Chief among his qualifications was his penchant for praising Trump’s approach to US military involvement and calling for martial law along the US-Mexico border.

    Three days after Macgregor arrived at the Pentagon, he called McEntee and told him he couldn’t accomplish any of the items on their handwritten to-do list without a signed order from the president. “Hey, they’re not going to do anything we want, or the president wants, without a directive,” Macgregor told him, emphasizing the need for an official White House order signed by Trump. The Pentagon’s stonewalling made sense, of course: You don’t make major changes to America’s global defense posture based on a glorified Post-it note from the president’s body guy. The order, Macgregor added, should focus on the top priority from McEntee’s list—Afghanistan—and it had to include a specific date for the complete withdrawal of all uniformed military personnel from the country. He suggested January 31, 2021.

    McEntee and an assistant quickly typed up the directive, but they moved the Afghanistan withdrawal timeline up to January 15—just five days before Trump was set to leave office—and added a second mandate: a complete withdrawal of US troops from Somalia by December 31, 2020. McEntee, of course, didn’t know the first thing about drafting a presidential directive—let alone one instructing the movement of thousands of servicemen and -women. He had two jobs in the White House—only one of which he was qualified for—and neither one had anything to do with national security or the military. An order even 10 percent as consequential as the one McEntee was drafting would typically go through the National Security Council with input from the civilian leadership at the Pentagon, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the military commanders in the region. Instead, the guy who usually carried Trump’s bags was hammering it out on his computer, consulting with nobody but the retired colonel the president had just hired because he had seen him on cable TV.

    Easy enough. The duo wrote up the order, had the president sign it, and sent it over to Kash Patel, the new acting defense secretary’s chief of staff. Chaos ensued. Upon receiving the order from his chief of staff, Christopher Miller called Joint Chiefs chairman Mark Milley to his office to discuss next steps. After reading the order, Milley told the January 6 Committee, he looked at Patel, who had just started working at the Pentagon three days earlier. “Who gave the president the military advice for this?” Milley asked him. “Did you do this?” “No,” Patel answered. “I had nothing to do with it.”

    Milley turned to the acting defense secretary. “Did you give the President military advice on this?” he asked.

    “No. Not me,” Miller answered. “Okay, well, we’ve got to go over and see the president,” Milley said, noting his job required him to provide military advice to the commander in chief. “I’ve got duties to do here, constitutional duties. I’ve got to make sure he’s properly advised.” And with that, Miller and Milley went to the White House to see Robert O’Brien, Trump’s national security advisor. “Robert, where’s this coming from?” Milley asked O’Brien. “Is this true?” “I’ve never seen it before,” O’Brien told him.

    They were joined in the meeting by retired lieutenant general Keith Kellogg, the national security advisor to Vice President Pence. “Something is really wrong here,” Kellogg said, reading through the order. “This doesn’t look right.” “You’re telling me that thing is forged?” Milley responded in disbelief. “That’s a forged piece of paper directing a military operation by the president of the United States? That’s forged, Keith?” Despite McEntee’s best efforts—which included not only the advice from Macgregor but several minutes of searching the internet—the only part of the document that looked anything like an official presidential order was Trump’s signature at the bottom. But even that, Kellogg thought, could have been the work of an autopen used to mimic the president’s autograph on thousands of unofficial letters sent out by the White House.

    They found him where he spent most of his time after the November election—in his private dining room next to the Oval Office, where the television on the wall was almost always on. Once the president confirmed he had indeed signed the document, O’Brien and Cipollone explained to him that such an order should go through some sort of process, and that an abrupt movement of so many US troops would be dangerous and unwise without proper planning. At the very least, they told him, such an order should be reviewed by White House lawyers.

    “I said this would be very bad,” O’Brien recalled telling Trump. “Our position is that because it didn’t go through any proper process—the lawyers hadn’t cleared it, the staff [secretary] hadn’t cleared it, NSC [National Security Council] hadn’t cleared it—that it’s our position that the order is null and void.”

    18 Three Arrested for Operating High-End Brothel Network

    BOSTON – Three individuals have been arrested in connection with operating sophisticated high-end brothels in greater Boston and eastern Virginia. Commercial sex buyers allegedly included elected officials, high tech and pharmaceutical executives, doctors, military officers, government contractors t...

    Since at least July 2020, prosecutors allege that Han Lee, 41, James Lee, 68, and Junmyung Lee, 30, ran brothels that advertised primarily Asian women under the guise that they were nude models selling their services to professional photographers. The three were charged with conspiracy to coerce and entice to travel to engage in illegal sexual activity.

    The brothels’ clients, which prosecutors allege could number in the hundreds, also included tech and pharmaceutical executives, doctors, professors, lawyers, scientists and accountants, according to court filings, which did not name any of the alleged clients. “Pick a profession; they’re probably represented in this case,” said acting U.S. attorney for Massachusetts Joshua Levy at a news conference Wednesday. “They are the men who fueled this commercial sex ring.”

    The clients, an affidavit alleges, paid the defendants as much as $600 to engage in sexual activities with women whose nude or semi-nude pictures, height, weight and other identifying features were advertised on two purported modeling websites. The women would meet their customers at one of nine locations, where monthly rent was as high as $3,664, according to the affidavit. The brothels were located in Cambridge and Watertown, Mass., and Fairfax and Tysons, Va., the affidavit stated.

    The allegations mirror a sex service that for 13 years catered to Washington’s political elite, including a sitting senator. Known as the D.C. Madam, Deborah Jeane Palfrey was convicted of running that operation in 2008. Records of her ring included the names of 815 clients, and in 2016, Palfrey’s former lawyer said her phone records “could be relevant” to the presidential election. A judge later blocked the release of those records.


    FYI: if you use a familiar like from Halsin during the Act II boss fights, it seems to fucks the post fight and so, among other things, the discussion between the two moon maidens doesn’t trigger. If you don’t go speak to them directly neither will show up at camp and if you then continue on to act III, well, you’re absolutely FUCKED.

    Initially I had problems looting thorm and then coming back to camp and being unable to speak to anyone. Finally after a few reloads I manage to get past that bullshit.

    Fast forward 9+ hours….

    I was about to go talk to a certain someone after crossing the bridge into the lower city and was checking side quests first and noticed the nightsong quest was bugged and it was still telling me she is in a Shar temple. What the fuck!? I saved that bitch already and she fought by my fucking side against thorm!!!!

    I had to go back to a save nine fucking hours ago (no goddamn way to get back to moonrise after leaving for BG, jesus fucking Christ)

    I’m fucking livid. So much exploring, questing, inven management, leveling, god fucking damnit.

    Maybe this will save someone else the same pain.
