Did someone actually quit smoking after using a vape?
Did someone actually quit smoking after using a vape?
Considering to buy one for a family member.
Did someone actually quit smoking after using a vape?
Considering to buy one for a family member.
I quit smoking using a vape and then quit vaping.
I found that it was easier to quit smoking using a vape because I kept the same motion. I needed a powerful one to feel a similar hit.
And I found it easier to stop vaping than to stop smoking because I could mix liquids to have any desired nicotine content, allowing me to reduce it very gradually. A lot of people simply replace smoking with vaping but that's still an improvement.
Wife and I switched to vaping, then that eventually dropped off to nothing.
I quit not only because of vaping and tobacco-less nicotine pouches, but because I wanted it. If you are buying it for a family member, you can't make them quit... Hopefully they are wanting to, because you can't make that decision for them. Just like any other addict.
I agree with this sentiment. I vaped for years and years because I didn't actually want to stop.
But once I did make the decision the vape made it considerably easier.
That's what irritates me about people like OP's argument. I vaped to get off cigarettes but I don't necessarily want to quit nicotine. They conflate all the terrible aspects of smoking with vaping and then point to people not quitting vaping as "proof" that it doesn't work. Not everyone who picks up vaping is trying to quit nicotine.
I did, but I would mix my own fluid; every couple of batches I would half the nicotine content. Eventually it was near-negligible, and perhaps two weeks after that I was doneski
Yes. I switched to vaping after smoking a pack a day for ten years. Then in about a year I was able to winnow my usage down and quit vaping too.
I had tried many times to quit before that. Have not smoked in 13 years now and after about 8 years I stopped liking the smell.
Crazy hearing vaping helped you stop 13 years ago. My brain tells me they only came out 2 years ago...
Naw there were vapes when i went to high school in the mid to late 2000s.
Vaping blew up around 2010 and gradually increased in popularity until all of the Juul controversies happened. Since all of the laws passed to restrict it more, it is now easier to get a non-reusable piece of ewaste than reusable and refillable stuff.
Yes. Switched to vaping and was vaping for multiple years before quitting completely. Biggest thing was the "safety" of always being able to have my fix without an actual smoke. The "never again" mentality made it so hard to ditch the cancer stick but the vape was always like "it's ok, you can just have a little puff whenever you feel like it". Slowly down the nicotine content. Puff less. Even less. At some point I just forgot. Still have the vape. Still have the liquid, albeit it's dark red now and looks radioactive so utterly unusable. But point is that the vape eventually faded into irrelevance in a way that cigarettes never could.
Unusable... or will get you high AF?
The TL;DR on this one is "if someone wants to quit being addicted to nicotine a vape is a decent way to stop." If they don't want to, they'll just switch to the vape instead of smoking.
So they have to want to quit in order to get any benefit.
This is absolutely true, the hardest part of quitting smoking has never been getting rid of the nicotine addiction. It's not starting again the next time you're at a bar and your friend goes outside for a smoke and offers you one.
An older friend who smoke and drank a ton switched to vapes, and methodically lowered the nicotine content every two-there weeks for months, then stopper nicotine and vaped the flavours but as there was no more nicotine, the habit wasn't addicting and he just forgot about it more or less.
Now he's been alone free for years, and reduced his drinking as well. Looks fucking healthy now.
11 years without a cigarette, still vape though.
While it may not stop the nicotine addiction. It beats the tar and crap actual cigarettes....
Agreed. Although I struggle with vaping nicotine WAY too much and I feel like it has caused me some issues.
Still, way better than real cigs as far as my lungs are concerned - but the ease of being able to vape and constantly get a nicotine fix has been the real issue for me. Currently reading Alan Carr’s the Easy Way to get this monkey off my back once and for all.
Absolutely, there is no mistaking vaping is bad for you. But there are levels of bad.
I smoked a pack a day for roughly 30 years. My night time breathing was getting ugly and my wife would sometimes get woken up by the sound of my wheezing.
Every method of quitting failed me except vaping. I started as most do with a high nicotine vape juice that tasted like tobacco, but after about a month I swapped and started going lower and lower nicotine and change the flavor from tobacco to a custardy type.
2 months of that got me off the cigs. Two more months got me down to zero nicotine. Two or three more months after that I was done.
I have been off cigs for 7 years.
My breathing no longer feels wet or difficult at night. And My yearly health tests all come back the same as a non-smoker.
20 years smoking 10 to 15 cigarettes a day, switched to vaping for 4 years, then quit completely as I was fed up with the logistics of vaping.
My last cigarette was 9 years ago and I don't miss it at all. I consider vaping was the biggest reason I quit, seconded with the avoidance of social situations where smoking is common.
Yes! I smoked for over 20 years. I didn't think I'd ever be able to quit. I started vaping with the goal of quitting, and eventually quit! Then I quit vaping too, about six months later. It's an excellent cessation method, with almost a 70% success rate. The next closest cessation method has a success rate of 3% and is owned by the tobacco companies.
Get a device that hits like a cigarette. This means mouth to lung, and not a big DTL cloud machine. It also ideally means a round mouthpiece. Make sure it's good enough to give throat hit, but not so good that it produces massive clouds. Ideally you want a device that is not sub-ohm. Start with 18mg tobacco flavored juice. Then just vape. Sometimes you'll smoke cigarettes, and sometimes you'll vape. Don't beat yourself up when you smoke, but try to vape more than you smoke. Before you know it, you'll be reaching for the vape more than the cigarettes, until you don't reach for cigarettes at all. Then you're free!
Once you're free, wait a month and then cut the juice down to 12mg, then 6, then 3, then a mix of 0 and 3, then 0! After a couple weeks of 0 you'll just naturally quit, no discipline required.
Share this information with the person you know, and tell them that if I could do it, anyone can do it!
Edit: for such a device I recommend the Geekvape B coil series, in higher ohm ranges.
My spouse and I both did.
I was a pack per day smoker for 15-20 years. Switched to vaping as it was becoming so popular. Stepped down the nicotine over the course of a few years until I finally just got tired of going and buying 1mg juice and stopped. Haven't had a vape in about 2 years and a cigarette in about about 5.
I still get a craving now and then but it passes. Cigarettes usually just smell like a disgusting ashtray and I'm glad I don't smoke anymore.
edit: we both actively wanted to quit and I'm so happy it worked for us
I did. Been a decade since I had a cigarette.
I did, not sure it made it easier though. It took away two negatives for smoking for me, it didn't smell bad to others and I could smoke inside.
If anything it made it harder to quit, but they're supposedly much better for you
Regardless of the health benefits for you personally, they're much better and less unpleasant for those around you.
I'm not sure that vaping inside is better than smoking outside. You're right about it being more pleasant and likely right about it being healthier, do you know of any research comparing second hand smoke on clothes to second hand vape (comparing smoking outside to vaping inside)
Check out SmokeFree.gov! It has great free resources that are science based. Quitting smoking is the number thing someone who smokes can do for their health.
The most effective methods to quit smoking include varenicline (aka Chantix), FDA-approved nicotine replacement therapies (gum, patch, lozenge, inhaler, etc), and behavioral therapy. Combining all of these therapies in a clinical trials results in the most people quitting.
No vape is FDA-approved as a cessation therapy, because no company has applied. There have been some small academic run trials, which tend to show a decrease in smoking, but continued nicotine addiction. Probably because vapes have much higher nicotine content than FDA-approved therapies. While vapes expose people to a lot less carcinogens than smoke, there are some carcinogens and nicotine itself is harmful to vascular and mental health. So if the evidence-based methods don't work, completely switching to vaping would be less harmful.
Agreed. There is a lot of new research on vaping. Could potentially cause a number of issues, but probably still better than actual smoking. I've heard the inhalers work sometimes because of the nicotine as well as the physical movements involved.
I've also seen exactly one ad (on YouTube) for some sort of flavour inhaler (no nicotine) if you're having trouble with the physical aspect. Can't say any more about that though, as I haven't looked into it.
Those are bullshit. Look at the cessation success rate of those methods, and then look at vape. Vape is almost 70% success rate, and those other methods are like 3%. The tobacco companies own most of those methods. Don't listen to some stupid sponsored study for this, listen to the people who have done it. Vaping is a successful cessation method, and all of the attempts to ban it have been driven by lobbying & dark money from the tobacco companies.
I look at independent randomized controlled trials, not anecdotal evidence. Here's a recent trial from Finland that didn't have industry funding. They compared low-nicotine vaping vs varenicline alone vs placebo. Both varenicline and vaping resulted in about 40% of people quitting at 12 weeks, and 20% of placebo group. So add nicotine replacement therapy and behavioral therapy on top of varenicline and the rates should go higher. Pfizer and other pharmaceutical companies sell most of the FDA-approved cessation therapies, and in comparison the big tobacco companies sell vapes.
Yep, my wife. Smoked since childhood, tried many times to quit, finally managed using a vape. I started with a strong enough mix to match the daily nicotine intake, we left it like that for almost a year, then I started lowering it by 10% every month. Once we got to 20% is started dropping by 5% and then just 1% from 5% down. That said, the process being so gradual made it smooth and less disruptive.
I did, but I also wanted to quit. No one quits a substance they don't want to quit.
That's why I left Reddit and why I'm still on Lemmy!
Took me years, but yes.
This was back in the day when you could easily source stuff to mix your own juice though. I was vaping 3ml and I stepped down 0.5ml every month until I was vaping just flavor. At that point I'd carry my vape around but use it WAY less. Eventually I'd get sick of bringing it with me and just stopped using it.
Then I'd cave again, and restart the process.
Took me a few years, but my vapes are gone and I only smoke when I'm shithoused and around a bunch of smokers, which is a maybe once every couple years event now?
I'm not sure how it would work these days. Everything is packaged, can you even mix your own nic content? Fucking big tobacco fucked up the market.
Even just switching to vaping full time is better than smoking, so get your family member one and hope for the best.
Yes. It is a shame that vapes are disregarded as therapeutics. They are fantastic in that regard.
Not to say that the fruit flavoured garbage aimed at children is okay; it is not and should be dealt with. However, we should simultaneously not let the tobacco industry deter the medically valid use of vapes for use as an aid with smoking cessation
I'm a fully grown adult who very much enjoys fruit flavours in my vape. Please don't legislate me based on the kids. Make better laws to protect and allow adults to enjoy things.
Well at least when they fully ban flavors for us adults, we can drink away our problems with the cotton candy and birthday cake vodka that's stocked in every liquor store across the country.
My son worked for vape wild. His favorite part was talking to people about how to use vapes and custom fluids to quit smoking. Then they had a huge investment from one of the cigarette companies and it all went downhill.
No they just made my nicotine addiction worse.
The gum worked, though. Started with the 4mg dose, dropped down to two; by the time I worked my way down to an 8th of a piece of a time, I thought to myself, "wait, do I really need to be doing this?" and that was it.
Haven't craved nicotine since 2018.
Many smokers don't know that nicotine salt (or nicsalt) is horrendously addictive compared to freebase nicotine. And nicsalt is the primary form of nicotine in tobacco and some vapes. Cigarette companies sneakily add more to the rolling paper to make cigarettes more addictive.
It is orders of magnitude more difficult quitting nicsalt. It's why many people who successfully quit recommend starting with stronger freebase nicotine vapes or lower nicsalt and then trying to scale back from there eventually moving to freebase.
Nicsalt is so addictive you can be going into withdrawal while vaping freebase nicotine.
Edit: gums use Nicotine polacrilex which was engineered to increase bioavailability over freebase. Most gums and patches are hard to quit because manufacturers offer no guidance on tapering dosage although you figured this out on your own. You're smart.
I switched to vape, not necessarily to drop nicotine, but so i could smoke in company vehicles. I haven't stopped vaping for a few years now.
I'm in no way saying the habit is healthy or nice, but there's still a net positive to switching even if you don't end up stopping.
It's cheaper overall. A little over a pack a day is basically $10/day. I probably spend $60 on juice and $10 for coils in a month, and that's a high estimate. One coil can last a few months sometimes, other times they're duds. The initial cost is what can look expensive. $100 for a good rig, but it can last years if you get the right one. (I save money by using a rig that takes 18650 batteries and scavenge them from dead electronics - they're everywhere, power tool batteries, hoverboards, etc. Otherwise it's an extra $10 every 6 months)
It also doesn't dry me out like cigarettes. Cigarettes used to cause my sinuses to bleed in the morning and just clog my sinuses through the day. Vape keeps me a little more hydrated it feels like, like even the cough is more fluid and comes right up. No more dry coughing at all.
Don't even get me started with the smell.
It's worth mentioning too, there's a difference between the nic salts and the juice. The salts are where you can experience OD and even seizures.
Vaping is safer than cigarettes, it's still bad and we don't know how bad it is long term but it is safer than smoking. It's better to just stop completely using a stop smoking service to get alternative nicotine products if that's available. If the person doesn't want to stop then you're unlikely to be able to make them however a vape might be able to replace it with something better. Other products to look at are patches, gum, lozenges and inhalators which can be useful in quitting.
In summary smoking and vaping are both bad but smoking is worse. Better off just quitting if possible, if not go for the vape.
Depends on what part of it you're addicted to.
I just want nicotine. I don't care out of what.
Some people want the feel, sensation and flavor of a cigarette.
I just want my fix so I can carry on with my day.
That's kinda the line between moving to a vape or not.
Cosign, I just liked the smoking myself. Vapes made it worse if anything cus it made smoking more conventent 😂 no ash, ashtray or lighter thats somehow always missing.
For me, vapes made it so I could take a huge hit and effectively dose myself with a cigarette in a minute, then get back to work. Hell, I can get my fix by dipping around a corner and back without going anywhere.
do you smell cookies?
"...Not particularly, why?"
Also being able to do it indoors without practically any negative side effect doesn’t help lol
Yep. I moved from smoking to vaping. It became a bit of a hobby but I quit that too after a few years just by lowering the nicotine bit by bit and ended up just not using it when the habit was no longer fuelled by addiction.
My personal experience was I ended up vaping inside and smoking outside. Started feeling real shitty.
Edit: I should add I did eventually quit and what helped me was 1) really wanting to quit and 2) tea tree oil toothpicks to pop in my mouth any time I wanted a cig. Munched on those for a good 6 months or so.
It’s not the entirety of the beast but a lot of addiction is related to ritual and comfort so any way to subvert the substance out of the same ritual helps (not saying I’m not still addicted to other things but I did at least shake nicotine)
I quit by vaping.
I smoked for 15 or 16 years. I tried vaping one time, around 13 or 14 years in, but it didn't do it for me. After a few more years of smoking, i tried a sub ohm vape, which used a low nic salt content. It made massive clouds which whilst making me feel like a twat, actually helped to fuel the illusion that i was smoking. The feel on my throat was similar to the cigarettes i was used to, and overall, it felt like smoking, so i managed to stick to it and not smoke at the same time.
The kicker was that the low salt meant that initially i was vaping more often, but as time went on i was finding that i was having less time to vape so i was t getting as much nicotine. Eventually, after maybe 6 months to a year, i found that one day, i went all day at work without vaping once. And when i realised i just decided... i dont need it, so i left the vape at home the next day.
Its been over a year and a half now, and i dont think about them anymore.
I am really fucking happy.
Vaped for about 7 years after quitting smoking. Switched to 0 nicotine vape fluid and then finally got tired of vaping and just sort of stopped.
I did, but I did stick with it for years before dropping the vape too. There was a transition period where my smoking dropped in frequency before I was totally done, so it wasn't immediate for me, but all my friends smoked around that time so that didn't exactly help. I was nicotine free for a few years after that until recently when I picked up the synthetic pouches under some extra stress. Do with that what you will. Its not a perfect solution, but I do think the vape was very helpful in quitting cigarettes because of the similar sensation that I never got from the gum or patches. Harm reduction tends to be more effective than elimination right off the bat.
Edit: it might be worth noting I do still use a dry herb vape for cannabis and occasionally smoke that, but the noticeable consequences are much less than they were from smoking tobacco or even vaping nicotine/pg/vg. Someday I'll completely drop the nicotine pouches too, but overall I feel pretty decent about where I'm at.
My mom did. She smoked cigarettes since the 80s and quit in 2012 with vape. She never smoked a single cigarette after that
I did but it wasn't easy and required a lot of self control.
I started with a 6mg fluid in an 80 watt device, using a bottle of 0mg fluid I titrated down to 4.5mg, then 3mg, then 1.5mg,.75mg and so on until there were only trace amounts of nicotine left.
At this point I switched entirely to the 0mg fluid for a few days until it no longer felt like a compulsion to reach for it, the addiction having been suppressed.
I wish I could vape. This is gonna sound stupid, bc it is, but I’m a chronic asthmatic who has smoked for about 20 years now. Been intubated twice for asthma. And yet I still can’t put the damn cigarettes down. I’ve tried patches, gum, hypnotism, medication, you name it.
Vaping was the only thing that was helping when I switched but believe it or not, it was bothering me way more than a cigarette. Immediate throat scratchiness and shortness of breath. That doesn’t happen with smokes though. I’ve tried all sorts of vapes too. All with the same result.
Smoking is probably gonna be what takes me out and it sucks that I feel totally powerless. I will say though, that the book “The Easy Way to Stop Smoking” by Allen Carr got me off cigs for about 3 months. Then my grandpa died and it all spiraled back from there.
Apologies for what could well be a dumb suggestion: Herbal / nicotine free cigs exist. They might be an avenue of escape if you haven't tried that already.
Smoking isn't just the nicotine fix, it's the whole ritual of getting away and doing something else for a while. Scratching that itch might work.
Of course there are other ways to get away and do something else for a while, but those are for later.
Two things:
Cigarettes contain ingredients to suppress some of the negative symptoms of smoking. One reason you might have irritation without the cigarettes is because the cigarettes are preventing you from feeling the irritation they cause. Just a thought. It might make sense to see if you can get other medication to help with those issues until you are able to stop vaping too.
Also, hearing that the death of your grandpa caused a relapse suggests you might want to try quitting again, but with some sort of therapy/support. Try the book method again, but make sure you have someone to talk through issues with.
Yes, it just took me about 5 years of on and off vaping 😅. Vaping is a much better addiction to have than smoking though.
Most people I know that used to smoke now vape instead.
The main reason is not that vapes are great, but that cigarettes cost about £15 a pack.
I think you have to want to quit smoking for it to work like that. I've found that because vaping is more accessible than smoking, someone's vaping consumption can be far higher than what they were smoking. It can be quite easy to sort of absent mindedly vape in a way that's harder to do when smoking.
But I do know people who have used vaping in this way. Someone I knew had tried to quit smoking before but they couldn't go from one cigarette per day (and they needed to quit fully, or their smoking would inevitably increase during times of stress). When smoking, I guess you could roll a smaller cigarette, but this friend tried that and it didn't work. Vaping allowed them to finally kick the habit for good because their vape allowed them to taper down the nicotine content per puff of the vape
100% yes. It made a big difference for me. I didn't even want to stop smoking I just did.
I flip flopped until I found a good vape. Then one day I lit a cigarette but wanted the vape afterwards.
That was my last cigarette
Yes, I know someone who did, but they ODed on the nicotine cartridges via vaping and not reading the dosages carefully. They quit entirely after that.
20 years ago I quit smoking with chewing tobacco aka dip. That shit is WAY better than cigarettes. Dip was even harder to quit. Then I went back to off and on cigarettes for 18 years. I have not had one in a year and a half and have no intention or desire to ever start that shit up again. Welbutrin is also pretty helpful for this. My best friend did mostly quit by switching to vape though, so I think it can work. I'm pretty sure it's also just as bad for you though?
Now they have those nicotine pouches that are even better.
Don't think I've seen one of my friends actually quit yet, but vaping has replaced cigarettes for 90% of the usage.
So it really depends if you think vaping is less harmful than smoking.
If they want to quit it can be a useful tool that I have seen work for many. If they don't an e-cig isn't going to change anything.
I did but it took me a long time, years and years, with occasional dips back into smoking.
Now though it's nearly been 2 years no vape or anything and at least three years of no nicotine.
I went up and down in nicotine levels, I used big huge cloud throwing fog machines and little tiny disposables.
I eventually settled on a unit with a built in rechargeable battery and pods with replaceable coils (geekvape aegis)
I don't think vaping will naturally result in quitting, it I do think it's the most effective harm reducer out there and as a tool has many ways to help reduce use over time.
High nicotine disposables (elf bars, juul) I would stay away from if you can though since the nicotine concentration is so high that it can deepen the addiction.
I have quit smoking after switching to vaping. To be more specific I'm a cannabis ex-smoker who switched to dry herb vaping where you heat raw flower or concentrates up until the cannabinoid oils vaporize but not so hot that things combust into flame. Before I switched I was having issues with coughing up black tar mucus flem and some wheeze in the lungs. No more of those problems, and I can actually taste the terps and subtle flavors now.
someone = yes
everyone = no
If you mean "replaced cigarettes with a vape," I did
I'm not a smoker/vaper so my opinion doesn't really matter here. But from a sober perspective, I believe that switching to vaping CAN be good, as long as you're willing to follow the rules diligently.
The biggest problem I can see going down would be that vaping can be more addictive because you can put more nicotine in it. So if you plan on getting one for a family member, make sure they are actually willing to quit. Because there is a possibility that you can make the addiction worse if they have the opportunity to put even more nicotine in their system.
Once again, this is from an outside perspective, if I'm in the wrong vapers, please let me know.
This is a little more complicated because vaping doesn't get nicotine into your blood as effectively as smoking. So even if the liquid seems like it's stronger than a cigarette would be, it's likely not actually getting them more nicotine. If anything too little nicotine is an issue because this could make it harder to switch.
Smokers (and vapers) also self titrate, meaning they adjust their smoking/vaping habits to get the amount of nicotine they want. So if you had a genuinely stronger vape, they would stop after fewer puffs. Nausea comes pretty quick after too much nicotine too so it's not pleasant to take too much.
I learned something today. Thank you for making me less ignorant.
My friend started smoking after quiting because he started vaping... So there's always that.
Yeah, I switched to vaping for a few years, slowly tapered my nicotine, and quit. Been about 5 years since I smoked.
You can try but some people are allergic to the liquids used. And the person vaping has to slowly decrease the nicotine amount over time, a lot of people start increasing it instead and end up with more unhealthy nicotine levels than regular cigs. Also vaping is not good for the lungs either.
Yeah pretty much everyone I know that picked up a vape