The Global South-led organization BRICS continues to expand, adding 9 partner countries in January 2025, after admitting 4 new members in 2024. The group now makes up roughly half of the global pop...
I was interested in this video until I saw the domain and looked up what a tankies is:
Tankie is a pejorative label generally applied to authoritarian communists, especially those who support acts of repression by such regimes, their allies, or deny the occurrence of the events thereof.
Kinda normal for someone who actively promotes the invasion of an allies' territorial land with the military (like an imperialist pig) to dislike "tankies".
I was wondering why a obviously sarcastic comment got so many downvotes. But I kind of realize every now and then that people really can't distinguish between a sarcastic one and a genuine one without the "/s" tag, even if I think it's so on the nose that I think it can't be mistaken.
Only if you want your feed to be an echo chamber. In my opinion the best thing about the fediverse is that you can choose the rules and values you want to adhere to through your instance choice, without cutting off interaction with others unless you defederate their instances.
The frequent calls to blanket dismiss anyone on those instances are an unfortunate overreaction in my opinion.
.ml is not a "tankie instance". The admins are Marxist-Leninists, so they fit some definitions of tankie, but its just a technology instance for leftists.
Hexbear isn't one either. A lot of their users are, but there are just as many who aren't, such as anarchists (basically the opposite).