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What do you consider the saddest anime?

I have several, but if I must pick one, it's A Place Further Than The Universe. Interestingly, it's simultaneously the happiest, too.

It wasn't the case at first, but when I rewatched it, I was purely, emotionally devastated.

  • A Place Further Than The Universe was so gorgeous oh lord. I was watching it on the exercise bike - big mistake - and was just openly sobbing at gym.

    For my picks:

    Shigatsu Wa Kimi No Uso or Your Lie In April is an absolutely heartbreaking story but its so beautiful. Strong contender.

    Also Kimi No Na Wa or Your Name if movies count - I still cry like a baby every time I watch it, but it has a few of the story tropes that I'm an absolute sucker for so I'm biased. Its still incredibly moving even with that in mind.

  • Lot's of anime are sad but most of them end on a positive or hopeful note. That's why I consider anime that end on a bleak note to be sadder. Stuff like Grave of the Fireflies or the recent Look Back.

  • Clannad After Story, Liz and the Blue Bird, Phantom: Requiem for a Phantom, Violet Evergarden, A Silent Voice.

  • Ninja Scroll. I will never forgive that evil dude for permanently cock blocking the protagonist.

  • Other than Grave of the Fireflies, some others I never see mentioned are Saikano and In This Corner of the World.

  • LOOK BACK was pretty dang sad, but it's one of the only 10/10 anime I've ever seen.

    Dororo (2019) is also up there.