Meanwhile, on Oakland's Nextdoor
Meanwhile, on Oakland's Nextdoor

Meanwhile, on Oakland's Nextdoor
So, is Satan so busy that he only gets to fuck once a year? Or is Halloween the one day of the year he's not practicing safe sex?
I never thought about this before, but it seems somehow important.
Also, "his bride"? Not his wife or girlfriend? Does he get married to a new person every year?
This whole situation feels too oddly wholesome for these people to be so upset. Straight? Check. Married? Check. Planned and wanted pregnancy from someone with a lot of power? Check! The father is the literal devil? Fuck that, apparently! Get out of here, you model-citizen demon!
Also, to whomever wrote that note: I'm glad y'all don't like walking in front of my house. You're literally the worse. I'd rather hang out with Satan and his bride than you judgmental prudes.
Maybe it's a "bride of Frankenstein" thing. More of a title than anything.
Though this is the devil they're talking about. Satan could be getting divorced every year and remarrying, or just straight up adding a new "sister-wife" annually.
I legit have not thought this much about real world religion in years.
Why would satan bother getting married at all?
I find it hard to believe that Satan doesn't live in sin with his gf.
Maybe she dies in childbirth
So Satan has a harem of girls
You kind of HAVE TO have a Satan and bride honeymoon theme now don't you?
oh I would have upside down crosses all over my yard. I would up the horror game so much that they would sue me.