
NPR did a segment on how people from different sides of the spectrum tend to see each other in a negative light. I TRY NOT TO man, but someone yesterday told me to my face, "Those mother fuckers should burn", because his neighbor made a sound complaint about his chickens.
Our city is NEXT TO LA. I'm a farmer, and so is he. I don't understand his worldview at all. He's an immigrant, and he's anti-immigration. His business struggles to compete with larger businesses, but he fears socialism. He brags about freedom of speech and the pursuit of happiness, but he thinks he should be able to control women's bodies. Also, he said a bunch of people should die in a fire. My sister has cerebral paulsy, and if you don't know, a lot of people who died in the fire couldn't run for the same reason. I wanted to spit in his face. I'm a bald, white, male farmer, so people open up to me, thinking they're in good company. I look like a redneck, and technically, I have one. The shit people say is wild. It tends to darken my world view. I try not to focus on them, though, except in ways I can be kind and slowly sway them, hopefully.
I used to be baffled by people's behavior in the same way, but recently I've come to understand that a lot of people see the world through the lens of power instead of morals, and they want to see themselves as the most powerful. Socialism means they didn't "earn" their business, and surely they can become the next mogul without it. He doesn't care about other immigrants because he sees himself as above them.
I've come to understand that a lot of people see the world through the lens of power instead of morals, and they want to see themselves as the most powerful.
That's one of the most concise ways I've seen it written out. People think reactionaries are stupid; when they say that, they don't understand that conservative morality is wholly based on putting themselves higher in the hierarchy than the people they hate.
It's why they make exceptions for themselves and their loved ones: it's entirely morally consistent that they deserve the exceptions because of who they are.
You sound like a chill guy for what its worth. Sorry your neighbors a dickhead
Left pushes reading and education right pushes illiteracy and blind faith in the leader but m'authoritatianism
There are many examples of the left pushing blind faith in the leader (see Mao, Kim Il Sung, Stalin)
There are many cases of authoritarians claiming labels that so not reflect their actions or goals, yes.
No child left behind has resulted in every child pushed through the system. My son had a IEP so he couldn't be failed. So spare me how pro education the left is. They have and are continuing to fail whole generations of kids with their daft notion of education. I see it everyday. The teachers see it and people like me who regularly deal with kids see it. The left can't see it. The effect is the same and the right are winning by letting the left run the show.
Democrats aren't left wing
Ah, this old canard in which radical leftism didn't do anything wrong, no revolutions lead to dictatorships and centrally planned economies were sabotaged by the capitalist illuminati. God forbid we critique leftist ideologies, anyone who does that is worse than a nazi.
This comic will be a poor fit when people don't conversationally use horseshoe theory to compare the barely-existent US left (who support improvements that would help all demographics but which are somehow considered radical) to the aggressively hateful US right (who is now pretty sure they will get to see their favorite targets hauled away and deported or imprisoned depending on whether you mean brown people or queer folk).
Also horseshoe theory is the creation of a journalist and no studies support the claim.
Tuol Sleng was actually just a nice leftist resort.
Left or right doesn't matter... Authoritarianism is the enemy.
I blame the two party system in the US. It squishes all ideologies into a simple binary choice, and this bleeds into the political discourse even outside the US and especially online.
In my country we have a communist party which falls squarely in the conservative camp, wanting to return to the "good old days" before the revolution. It also has more support in the rural areas whereas cities trend more towards economic right.
Naturally a planned economy under-performs an evolutionary economy.
The first time. What about the planned economy that learns from the previous one's mistakes? Or the one after that?
What about the planned economy that learns from the previous one's mistakes? Or the one after that?
Based on all the past experiments, they all fail.
Every person and company has complex needs and desires and ultimately, it's impossible for a central authority to fully anticipate and manage that over the size of a nation, because the quantity of parameters and unknown is almost infinite. Heck I don't even know what I'll want to eat for dinner!
Without even diving into the issue of concentrating so much power into a single hand. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
It still does poorly because we are bad at predicting the future
Where can I get that upside-down blue flag shirt? That's going to go hard while the police are beating me for having a sign on a sidewalk.
It's been a conservative symbol for years, try places that sell Trump merch.
Yeah but I don't want to give the orange man money. :(
I've had people on this platform tell me they were excited for, "the fall of empire." Knowing full well there would be a human cost. So yes, oppression is bad, but if your answer is violence then it's time to parse which violence is acceptable to you because obviously you've already distinguished.
All political positions weigh the violence of their positions. Liberals who fight to maintain the status quo are fighting to keep people from enclosed resources like food and housing, with the justification of the profit motive. Whether or not they're right, they're accepting blood for their policy
We've established what blood the liberals actively tolerate. I don't think that's a question at this point.
I'm going to let you in on a secret: the maintenance of the empire is also violence, and also has a massive human cost.
Horseshoe theory is truly one of my worst enemies, a thought terminating cliche that is zesty enough to feel like a revelation so every midwit loves to trot it out to feel superior. "Opposite things have similarities, therefore, opposite things tend toward the same"
Why can't you just get along with the nazis like we on the enlightened center do
You're thinking of the right. That's what the right does.
I don't consider myself a centrist, but I do consider myself between the two parties currently.
I don't like the "both sides are wrong" mentality often associated with centrists. I don't think I am inherently better than either side. I think I am disillusioned by both sides.
I was a Leftist/Democrat for the majority of my life. Then at some point ~8-9 years ago saw the pipeline that leads to radicalized righty thinking and said "fuck that" but when I turned around and looked back on my old party critically I also didn't want to walk back through that door either.
Basically I think both "sides" need to shut up and stop slinging poop at each other. Occasionally you need to listen to the other side. Neither one is always right or always wrong. Some of the moderates from either side can admit this and they hang out in the middle ish with me. But most people just sprint farther to either side when their ideas are challenged.
But since everyone has this "us vs them" mentality over every little thing I don't see communication or collaboration getting any better going forward.
When has the right been correct about things? Lmao
Rightwingers believe they can and should wield their power to crush their political and business opponents. And if they do this enough times, they'll accrue immense amounts of wealth and power. They should never surrender, never compromise, and always fight to the bitter end, because a long and painful enough campaign will see liberals surrender and conservatives triumph.
In this, they are proven absolutely correct.
They called the affordability crisis. Notably Hitler was right that the American loans would hurt Germany. Broken clocks are right twice a day and fascist ones make the most of them.
Happens more often than you may realize. Someone being "correct" on a topic in an objective sense is good, but that doesn't necessarily outweigh their flaws. Also worth keeping in mind that "left" or "right" ideology can mean very different things in different parts of the world.
An easy example from my own country - our left wing worked hard to shut down functioning nuclear power plants with plenty of time left to run whilst the right wanted to preserve them. Left largely got their way on the issue, and now we're in an electricity crisis due to a lack of dispatchable capacity.
Think for yourself, consider ideas & statements based on their own merits rather than judging them by who is embracing them at the current moment. A century ago it was the Democratic party pushing jim crow laws in the US and the RNC were championing civil rights.
I'm not saying these were perfect (First step act has some issues, for example), but all of these were pushed by Republicans and had demonstrably positive effects. Blindly implying the right never makes good decisions makes you no better than the people you think you're against.
In the US, you mean? From the top of my mind, advocating for more market freedom - unrestricted capitalism is a mixed bag generally, but the Biden administration was price-fixing insurance in the wake of California fires, which is a degree of economical illiteracy approaching Soviet Union levels.
The left in the US has gone on record wanting to tax soda because it's unhealthy.
Do you people have any amount of self awareness?
Do you legitimately believe that anything and everything the right has ever said or done has been wrong?
Most people would say that Hitler was a terrible person (and they would be right), but even the evil as shit Hitler did some Good things in his life even if some people refuse to admit it.
Hitler is credited with pulling Germany out of the post WW1 economic slump. One of the major contributors was his insistence on building the highway/Autobahn. It enabled Germany to expand faster and years before other European countries could catch up
Him and the Nazis were among the first to recognize the health benefits with not smoking and he is credited with pushing Germans to quit smoking but especially pregnant women and kids.
If you want a more recent example:
During Trump's first Term he made it easier to prosecute financial crimes. The main way he did this was by requiring businesses to report their true owners. No longer would they spend as much time and money digging through shell corporations to figure out who is truly responsible.
If you want a less recent example:
Nixon created the EPA.
Not everything the left does is rainbows and perfection. Not everything the right does is evil and ruins the planet. You need to stop thinking in absolutes and recognize that things are more complicated.
Yup, fact is a majority of people in thd US agree on many of the most important issue, yet the governing structure seeks to "otherize" people from each other as much as possible in order to prevent meaningful discourse and foster division.
Can't have the population working together to take out the elites. They need us good and pissed off at each other so we are too busy to see them taking everything and giving us scraps constantly.
Yeah... you're a centrist.
Please use my preferred title: "moderate retard".
You're right, you're not a centrist, because the two major US parties are right wing and far right wing, so being between them is solidly right wing.
Jesus Christ you people are impossible to have any real dialogue with.
It's funny because Lemmygrad/Hexbear are indistinguishable from Gab.ai, and it's a bunch of liberals on the center who think "free healthcare" is somehow not centrist
Edit; honestly, all you need to do is look at the comments in this thread saying oppression isn't always bad. Lemmy.world never fails to amuse
First day provided tons of evidence from the lord god being disrespected and completely shat on by trump to literal nazi salutes. That have endless meme potential and can be spread around for completely free and low effort in order to swing public opinion. I am sure returning to some obscure tibetian basket weaving forum with userbase of five and talking about genociding everyone not like you while the right media machine is working overtime is going to get the public to change their mind.
If it were that trivial why was public opinion not swayed earlier? The fact is at least 30-40% actually want Hitler. The rest are OK with Hitler if he actually cuts their taxes or makes them prosperous. If he built gas chambers and broadcast the mass murder of brown folks he would still have at least 30% support. We in the US are factually just garbage people.
The people saying oppression isn't always bad, what kind of examples or situations do they give? Pretty curious because I can't really think of any examples where oppression would be good.
To be fair, those sentiments are also espoused on ml. Just saying...
Lol, some leftists need to get over the fact that not everyone will agree with their pov, and that doesn’t mean those who disagree are “center” or “liberal”, whatever the fuck they think those labels mean. I am tired of what feels like emotional blackmail by hardliners who insist that their biased opinions are definitive progressivism, or that they are the arbiters of truth or justice. But continue being wrong, it’s just you losing credibility 🤷♀️ Truth and justice require a principled and unbiased approach towards morality, ethics and philosophy. I believe people can do better than zero-sum realpolitiks, I guess that’s just my naïve take.
That's not what zero-sum means. Implied strawman. Insisting that your own position is the arbiter of unbiased truth and justice without demonstrating it (because obviously).
Lol k.
The worst thing to come out of social media discourse is ad hominem attacks (attacking a person) being perceived as attacking the argument itself. What an annoying take, no one is a god or angel. We have to do the work to find truth and justice.
I disagree strongly with this. You simply have no leg to stand on here.
Good Lord you're arrogant
Your argument is quite compelling, but I'm going to side with the person you're denigrating on this one. I'm sorry...
I'm just not very far-right... So I can't fully get into your mindset.
Sorry it came across like that, I was super tired. I think other commenters are right that authoritarianism sucks, whether it’s left or right.
Yes, you're correct. But this isn't the right platform to expect updoots for saying the correct thing.
This here is Lemmy... Founded by tankies, and unfortunately today tankies seem to be wanting their platform back. The may get it back, at this rate... Which sucks, because so many platforms these days are so insanely far-right.
There isn't really a home for many of us any longer. It's genuinely depressing... Just far right, and far left places, where the dumbasses of the world love to yell.
Oppression is bad...
...Unless that oppression is done by the vanguard to protect the revolution. Then the oppression is ok.
Yeah, the people saying that the guillotine crowd just want to stop oppression are either the stupidest, most ignorant people imaginable or they're just lying.
The sweet spot is for the current ruling class to obey a set of rules out of fear of the guillotine or incarceration.
Exercising the guillotine or incarceration excessively would just be starting over to build the necessary fear with a new ignorant crop of ruling class.
Wow, author doesn't know what centrism OR horseshoe theory are, lol.
Hint: Neither of them are accurately described as "both sides are equally bad".
I'm reminded of a Christian fundamentalist depicting an atheist being gotcha'd by being asked where his morality comes from if there's no God, and literally having a "checkmate atheists" moment over it. Equally smugly dumb.
Wow, author doesn’t know what centrism OR horseshoe theory are, lol.
What'd they get wrong, exactly?
The part where they are similar is that both the far left and far right are willing to use authoritarian violence to achieve their goals. And the representation of the left as just "oppression is bad" is overly simplistic. They too believe in oppression of particular groups (see oppression of academics/scientists/bourgeoise/etc in almost all communist take-overs). Centrists can also have very differing views as well but the reason they are located where they are on the horseshoe is because they would rather problems be solved with slow beauraucracy/well-defined protocols and not revolution or political violence.
This is not an admonishment or support for any of these things from me personally. I personally think a little revolution is needed once in a while. Just pointing out in more detail the idea behind horseshoe theory.
That US politics has screwed up definitions of left and right, making the cartoon meaningless when applied to it.
I'd argue it's not that horseshoe works in rhetoric but voting patterns. Both "extremes" of "the horseshoe" end up being moralistic and favor dismantling the system.
They may say oppression is bad from the far-left but at the same time when voting that oppression might just mean globally to them and not to the domestic matters.
The blame can be shared and probably where the horseshoe fails.
At no point have I ever seen anyone in a political science class mention horseshoe theory except in the process of explaining that it isn’t a scientific concept that has validity and was the creation of a journalist. There is no evidence that backs the horseshoe theory. A former Marxist is not going to have much in common with theocrats, monarchists, or fascists and is unlikely to move from one to the other.
TL;DR: horseshoe theory isn’t taught in poli sci because its bullshit.
If you squint enough, you're gonna see a normal distribution.
oppression leads to depression
Horseshoe theory posits a wolf in sheeps clothing and a sheep in wolfs clothing are the same thing.
USAmericans have successfully identified the middleground as a target because the idea of getting along is so foreign to them.
I think its funny how they keep bringing up democrats and say they are the far left end of the horseshoe. In my country dems would be considered center-right. I do not think they are like radical at all so I think thats why the comic is oversimplified.
Ah yess," we need to create classless society by eating all the rich, killing all the landlords and destroying capitalism around the world" is totally different from the far right which is also "do violence against people we don't like in order to get the society we want". Youre not a faschist if you think the people who you want to kill are responsible for all your issues I guess. Wait, wasn't that literally what hitler said?
Calling to violence is sure to get all the reforms you want. You could also, idunno, take a page from the rightwingers playbook and viralize memes about every single thing the administration does wrong so the public does not forget and is turned against them.
What a ridiculous position. You honestly believe that all socialists and/or communists want to kill the rich and the landlords?
Or is that just a convenient strawman you've created?
Communism commits evil when it goes wrong; fascism commits evil when all goes to plan. No one, not even Stalin, ever became a communist in order to do evil, whereas that's the whole point in becoming a fascist. - Julie Burchill
No, some of you are reasonable and non violent. Communists are just fucking idiots no matter which way you cut it.
Because see, you are right now excusing stalin for killing up to 20% of a countries population. YOU ARE NORMALIZING GENOCIDE OF A MASS MURDERER
you have no idea what went down and how it wasnt an accident. it was a quota. There is nothing to discuss. Fuck you for normalizing mass murder and making excuses. You are literally no better than a fucking nazi making excuses for hitler.
By that logic, anti-monarchism is also fascist. After all, they tried to create a "better society" by eating all the kings, killing the landed gentry, and destroying feudalism. Must be fascist, right?
This is such an unnuanced representation of anti-monarchism
A lot of countries went from monarchies to democracies peacefully and are better for it. If you want to kill people you dont agree with you are faschist. The government is literally baby feeding you workable memes you can use to ring over the population to the side of societal reforms. If you lot were more public about wanting to kill people, why wouldnt the general population vote for trump the third time in order to keep you violent maniacs in check?
How about you spread information about everything the current administration does wrong to sway the public opinion. There is ton of material already and its been day 1. You jerking off to mass murder is working against your goals of a better society.
Far left is mostly also authoritarian. They say they want everyone to have the same rights but get angry or try to silence people that don't agree with their radical ways. I'm not talking about the left in general but the far left. As such they see it needed to achieve their goals, even if it official is equality for example.
Edit: Removed "Tankies definitely are authoritarian." They are kinda a weird case where they believe or say they believe in Marxist Leninist ideology but then support countries that dress as communist even if they are ruled by a small elite or are actually mostly capitalist. I believe they are kinda gullible far left with mostly a "US bad" sentiment so China and Russia must be good. They are not solely representative of far left authoritarianism
Tankies aren't the only option over there. Authoritarianism is just Authoritarianism, no matter what dressing they throw on it.
Yeah I know. It was one prominent example I could think of on the spot but you can definitely be authoritarian without being a tankie
tankies are right wingers who use leftist vocabulary
You just don't like the idea of such an appalling group considering themselves as part of the left since thats where you think you belong and you want nothing to do with them. Yes russia and china aren't truly socialist countries but far left people definitely also have authoritarian tendencies. Otherwise they would probably just be left.
Far left is mostly also authoritarian.
There is no such thing as a "far left." Go ask Centrism 101 for a refund.
I can confirm it exists because I seem to be one when Im honest with people
"i say it doesn't exist, so it doesn't."
That's not why.
Extreme left - they're out to kill me so I have to defend myself.
Extreme right - they're out to kill me so I have to kill them first.
Centrists throwing around the horseshoe - both sides are so prone to violence, they might as well be the same thing for the rest of us.
Doesn't mean they're correct, they just don't like violence and shy away from it.
Last panel is on point for the majority of humanity because preparing for the future isn't a default command written in our genetic code, but a learned behaviour.
Cool. I guess only people to the right and left are valid. The right is bad, and the left is good. The rest? I guess we don't count...
Gee sounds a little like a far right standpoint... That's so weird, they never go authoritarian!
I guess only people to the right and left are valid. The right is bad, and the left is good. The rest? I guess we don’t count…
Somehow you seem to have misunderstood both actual horseshoe theory and the comic mockery of it.
psst: the center is the part between the two ends. That's what makes it the center.
Centrists are people who prefer not to artificially simplify problems before coming up with a solution. Top right panel is a ridiculous strawman
That is literally the exact opposite of centrists.
Can you describe what a centrist is? It sounds like you might just be talking about undecided voters
Nice projection - those of us who voted for Harris even though she wasn't ideal aren't mature adults who tried to prevent the situation we're in now, we're just centrist nazis with our heads in the sand! Keep telling yourselves that when the SWAT team assaults your Moral Purity pedestal. The truth is that we actually tried and you didn't.
If you voted for Harris, you're not the kind of centrist this comic is referring to.
How does one figure that out? I've seen Harris supporters generally called centrists, and centrists compared with nazis.
The idea that there exists such a thing as a "far left" is the most centrist thing ever.
There is absolutely such a thing as "far left". You'll find people who hold these deep genuine convictions about communal living and egalitarianism and ecological preservation over industrial development.
But "far" has to mean "bad" and the left/right spectrum needs to be equivalently bad. So we get an earful about how some Wiccan thruple with a compost pile and a compounding business that trades in underground abortion medication is interchangeable with the Wehraboo failson who shoots up a Black Baptist Church.
Adding to the problem, you're not going to find any "far left" billionaires, because the very process of accumulating billions requires a reactionary worldview.
There is absolutely such a thing as “far left”.
Again. There is no such thing as a "far left." It's an invention of liberal media, who insists on having one to equate with the far right to suit their both-side-ism propaganda, and it's being being propagated by liberals who desperately want to pretend that their right-wing ideology qualifies as "leftist" simply because they don't want to be associated with their fascist cousins.
And you fell for it.
Anarchists and communists aren't "far left." They are simply left.
You are either left or you are not.
Hilarious that you say this on Lemmy. Have you never read a thread here before posting?
Which part of...
The idea that there exists such a thing as a “far left” is the most centrist thing ever.
...are you having a hard time understanding, liberal?
Both sides are bad and very close to the same in result. They differ in method and the only thing they both agree on is they can't stand someone who wont endorse one side or the other. I'm not a centrist. I'm a victim of both parties. I want to see them all in jail. The root cause is the type of person who seeks out power. They should never be allowed power. Of course we now have the perfect suck of power hungry trash backed by all the other power hungry trash. They will continue to pit us against each other. Just like these types of cartoon where they insist the centrist are the problem and not the foaming at the mouth zealots on the right and the left. There are at least three sides. The corrupt democrats. The corrupt republicans. Their victims. If you endorse either side is being better or worse you are not a victim.
reject the right. reject the left.
enact your own sovereignty to the best of your ability.
support others and form community and effective organizations with those who do the same.
That's being left
I asked AI the following question. I thought the response was worth sharing:
"What evidence is there for the merits of horseshoe theory?"
Let me analyze this carefully. The horseshoe theory suggests that the far-left and far-right of the political spectrum are more similar to each other than to the political center.
The main arguments made in favor of horseshoe theory include:
However, there are significant critiques of horseshoe theory:
Rather than a strict horseshoe pattern, many political scientists prefer more nuanced models that consider multiple axes of political belief and recognize that authoritarian tendencies can emerge across the political spectrum without necessarily indicating ideological similarity.
What are your thoughts on how political ideologies should be mapped or compared?
What are your thoughts on how political ideologies should be mapped or compared?
I feel like one scale (left/right) to represent all of politics is such a generalization that most models based on it are pointless
Yes exactly, I recently watched this guy's video and it made me a lot more aware of the left/right thinking we do
Obligatory "axis spectrum better"
With all the demonizing of men in the last 40yrs, you really have your head so far up your ass you can't see the people the "liberals" are actually oppressing, and it's created this toxic and insane male counter culture that is just as insane as your eicxan ideology. You idiots caused this current state.
With all the demonizing of men in the last 40yrs...
ah hahahahhahahahahha
Reminds me of a coworker who went on a rant about how the workplace was so unfair and didn't give opportunities to white men.
Nevermind the workplace is about 90% white men, and pretty much all the higher paid folks are white men.
The delusion is strong, to bitch to the face of the pretty much token underpaid minorities and women that they are getting way too many opportunities that should be going to white men.