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  • Trump claiming credit for ceasefire and then destroying the region was always Bibi's plan. The propalestine protestors were against the administration for refusing to acknowledge that the israeli's were not negotiating in good faith. Had they played hard ball things might have been different.

  • Wow if only there were something the candidate could have done to attract those voters. Guess we'll never know.

  • Democrats are mentally incapable of even considering the possibility that their losing to Trump two out of the three times they've ran the exact same campaign and candidate is their own responsibility. No, it must be the checks notes people who wanted them to be a little more critical of killing Arabs who are responsible. Wonder who you'll blame when Trump inevitably runs for a third term and you decide to copy/paste your campaign strategy and candidate because you've learned abso-fucking-lutely nothing. I'm betting "people who don't worship trillionaires enough", because we'll have some by then.

  • Yeah. You're right honestly, it was too much to ask the Democrats to stop funding and arming a genocide. It's not their fault at all, no sir no way. It's the fault of the Palestinian Americans who refused to vote for people committing genocide against their communities.

    Youre so smart. So principled. You know exactly who's fault this situation is. It's those damn Palestinians not wanting to vote for people arming genocide against them. How dare they.

    The democrats had no choice. They HAD to keep committing genocide against Palestine. Poor Joe, he felt so bad for the Palestinians whenever he signed off on the next missile shipment to Israel. :( He even shed a little tear each time. The poor boy he just had no choice he had to keep arming genocide. He really felt so awful about it the whole time 😔 he'd sometimes even forget that it was happening at all and then remember and feel bad all over again.

    It's so normal that you blame the Palestinian Americans who wouldn't vote for people arming the genocide of their people. Yup. There's NOTHING the Democrats could've done differently. You should just keep on defending them forever. You know what, you should do one even better and support them as they continue to slide to the right. Instead of fighting for the party to change, you should continue to blindly support them even as they support the indiscriminate slaughter of starving Gazan children.

    I should hope the /s isn't needed here. I'm so fucking tired.

    • It’s the fault of the plaestinian Americans who refused to vote for people committing genocide against their communities.

      You seem to be ignoring the fact that by doing so they made the situation WAY worse. Like a kid that gets mad and just ends up making things worse for themselves.

      There is no reality in which the U.S. gives up Israel as its most important ally in the Middle East.

      So the options were to minimize the damage, or go wholesale on letting it get worse. They chose the latter. Not very smart.

      But hey, at least they can feel vindicated in their heart of hearts as they watch Palestine reduced to ash from the comfort of their homes in America.

      • Yeah mhm you're so right. Demanding that the party that's supposed to be progressive stops committing acts of genocide against their people was so childish of them. How dare they. Yup. It's totally not the fault of the democratic party for continuing to commit genocidal acts, nope no not at all never they're always in the right, actually. We really need to defend the poor leaders of the democratic establishment 😔 they only had a whole 13 months to stop committing acts of genocide by arming and funding genociders. Those damn Palestinians, it's their fault that the democratic party had to keep committing genocide against them. If only they hadn't complained so much about being genocided. 😡

        /s though again I should hope it isn't necessary

        Yeah. I don't think the democratic party would have stopped arming the Israeli military if they had won the election. There is no evidence of that whatsoever. Gaza is so utterly destroyed it is hard to comprehend.

        It is extremely gross of you to blame the outcome of the election on a minority of a minority ethnic group who refused to vote for people who were actively involved in committing genocide against their community. That's just the most wildly inhumane response to this situation possible. Nah, it was and continues to be the fault of the democratic leadership who committed themselves both to genocide and to a move to the right. You might as well become a Trump supporter if you want to blame minorities for everything. They hate Palestinians, too. You'd be right at home.

      • You seem to really dig victim blaming...

    • It isn't needed because lemmy is literally full of the type of idiots who will never understand not sucking democrat dick doesn't mean you're automatically gobbling the conservatives, so they don't let a simple thing like sarcasm cloud their godlike omniscient knowledge of society. Your /s is not needed like a cherry wouldn't need to be placed on top of an ice-cream in order for the lemmy flies to wait for it to be eaten and shat out in order to pounce on the feces and gorge themselves. They would do it anyway, it's in their nature.

      • Holy undecipherable nonsense Batman! We’ll need a cryptologist to unravel that mess of a paragraph!