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State of Voyager for Lemmy, 2025 edition

Hi everyone!

2025 is here, and I'm curious to hear your thoughts on Voyager for Lemmy.

  • What features would you like to see added to Voyager in 2025?
  • Are there any bugs or issues that are bothering you?


  • Video from PeerTube and Loops is not embedded. Is it possible to be able to play videos directly in Voyager?

    • Yeah, definitely. I did a POC with Loops and it worked nice. I just need to revisit and make good privacy settings so that user can configure sites to enable auto embed (since Voyager would need to make a passive request to the respective instance while scrolling the feed).

  • I’d love Apollo-level inline video playing.

    Keep up the great work!

    • Definitely will be added for peertube/loops, but Youtube would be hard to do so in a privacy preserving way.

  • Just dropping in to say brilliant app mate! It fills the Apollo shaped void in my wee geeky soul. Can’t think of anything to make it better as it already does everything I want.

  • Newer lemmy versions have the option to add a thumbnail url yourself when creating a post. It would be nice to have that also on Voyager.

    • Tags are working great! Would love to be able to link to the comment that made me tag, too.
    • Would be nice to have the searchable modlog instead of just myself
    • If I'm in a thread and accidentally hit back, I have to go back through the list to find that post again. A "last post" or something in the menu would be handy.
    • A bunch of gifs/videos don't show/play, but it works in other clients, instead I have to open in a browser. That would be a nice one to hit.
    • db0 added some flairs, which are apparently natively supported by lemmy, which is cool. They are gigantic in voyager (in comment threads when its posted standalone). Compare to the thread here. Would be great if this was supported to display next to the users in app too.

    Definitely the one app I keep coming back too though, great work!

    • Would love to be able to link to the comment that made me tag, too.

      That should already be there - in the header of the edit tag dialog for the user, tap the comment button. LMK if it isn't working.

      searchable modlog instead of just myself

      This is in the plans, just need to do it in a way that is apple/google store compliant

      If I’m in a thread and accidentally hit back, I have to go back through the list to find that post again. A “last post” or something in the menu would be handy.

      There is an issue for forward on github. Otherwise, for the post feed, hiding posts can be a good alternative if you scroll long distances.

      A bunch of gifs/videos don’t show/play, but it works in other clients, instead I have to open in a browser. That would be a nice one to hit.

      If you have an example of something that doesn't work in Voyager but does work in other clients, please let me know. I'm not aware of anything at the moment.

      db0 added some flairs, which are apparently natively supported by lemmy, which is cool.

      Neat - although it is not a native lemmy thing afaik.

  • The one bug that's always super annoyed me: clicking on a photo in my feed and when I swipe out it takes me to the "communities" tab where you choose Home/Local/All and it completely loses my place in my feed

  • Wood be nice to have a gif integration in comments where you can search and post gifs straight from the app. Prob no gif providers that are privacy focused though.

  • The one major thing I’ve been wanting since day 1 is the ability to peruse the mod log of others without having to jump through hoops. If I’m modding a community and want to see what has been said/done elsewhere to see if it’s a one off or pattern, I have to dig for it.

    From a user standpoint, it’d be great to have the ability to see the removed/edited history of a comment inline. I realize this is likely a limitation based on app store rules, but even just having this option on the web only would be nice.

    • Yes, I'd say there is a pretty good chance of better mod features this year. It will probably be a gated/buried setting to enable.

  • i really like voyager. one thing irks me though, and it's sort of hard to explain...

    when i press the back button in most applications, the expectation is that i move one level back in a tree structure rooted at the application entry point. in voyager, back is more like stepping through my browser history.

    for example, if i'm viewing a single comment, depending on the way i got there the back button may take me to either a) the thread that comment was in, b) another post that links to the comment, c) a profile, d) something else, probably.

    now, this is not necessarily wrong, but it clashes with how i use apps. whenever i want to "reset" an application without closing it, i usually press back until i'm at the aforementioned root of the tree. with voyager, this is difficult to gauge because depending on how long i've been usinc it, the back button may go to comment > thread > community feed > community selector > feed > comment > selector > profile > comment > thread > post > feed > exit.

    i don't really know how i would fix this behaviour either, just that it feels off compared to other apps.

    • Yeah... I'll have to revisit at some point and check if there is a better way to do this with Ionic