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In your opinion, what is the worst military tactic in Star Wars?


You can also mention anything from Legends.

  • I don't know if it's strictly military, but if it was more militaristic, it probably would have made it better:

    The sequel trilogy. What an embarrassing mess. Somehow they made 3 movies almost as bad as the prequels.

    Marvel too - they haven't made a decent movie since Infinity War, and even that couldn't hold a candle to ol' feelings-hurtin' Whedon's original Avengers (I'm not counting spider-man movies in this since they're shared with other creative forces that somehow manage to make good movies despite all the super obvious studio-ruining going on over there).

    And no doubt we're all holding our breath in fear that the new Indiana Jones with a dementia-ridden Ford will be so cringey it'll ruin the others (not crystal skull, nothing could make that utter bore of a movie worse)

    Ya know, every month Amazon brings back old, forgotten, but consistently good movies on Prime Video. I'd say about 95% of them are more watchable and interesting than the new Disney property's attempts. This is why they need a military to occupy them and make them make good movies. Send in the National Guard and the movie is not done until you have something coherent and enjoyable.
