Soii Havzak: a new Palaeolithic sequence in Zeravshan Valley, central Tajikistan [Open Access]
Soii Havzak: a new Palaeolithic sequence in Zeravshan Valley, central Tajikistan [Open Access] Soii Havzak: a new Palaeolithic sequence in Zeravshan Valley, central Tajikistan | Antiquity | Cambridge Core
Soii Havzak: a new Palaeolithic sequence in Zeravshan Valley, central Tajikistan - Volume 98 Issue 402

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Stratified Middle and Upper Palaeolithic sites in Central Asia are rare. The recently discovered Soii Havzak rockshelter, in the Zeravshan Valley in northern Tajikistan, is a stratified site that contains several phases of Palaeolithic occupation rich in lithic, faunal and charcoal remains that help establish chronology of the region.