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  • After seeing it, I can honestly's the best MCU movie since Deadpool & Wolverine.

    In all seriousness, it wasn't bad but it certainly wasn't good. During the film's opening minutes, I heard one teenager in the row behind me say, "Yo, that is not Captain America!" I think he echoed how most of the general public feels about Sam Wilson.

    Basically, nothing happened in the movie. There's a lot of stereotypical Marvel quips, especially from Joaquin. Lots of obvious CGI scenes. I'm not sure how to say this, but it didn't feel like an MCU movie at all - just a generic action film that just happened to have Marvel characters.

    I was expecting Red Hulk to have more of a presence in the movie based on the marketing, but it turns out Red Hulk was supposed to be the major plot twist/big 11th-hour reveal, so if you've seen any marketing for this movie whatsoever - even a poster - you've been spoiled.

    It's not worth sticking around for the post-credits scene. It's literally just "Something vague is coming...". One of the worst post-credits scenes from Marvel.

    My immediate reaction upon leaving the theater was feeling like I'd wasted my time and money, and that perhaps the critics were right. But after reflecting on it for a few hours, there were a lot of parts I enjoyed, particularly the scene where Isaiah goes rogue and gets arrested, and when Sam stops the fighter jets from Japan. It wasn't that bad, just not something that needs to be seen on the big screen (and as a huge advocate of the theater experience, I can't believe I'm typing that...about a Marvel movie, no less!). I enjoyed this movie, but it's definitely not something you need to rush out and see. Hopefully Thunderbolts and Fantastic Four can right the ship.

    So, bottom line: if you can only see one movie this weekend, go see Paddington in Peru or Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy.

    • Basically, nothing happened in the movie.

      We did finally address the elephant in the ocean. As an interconnected universe few films have referenced each other recently. (Except for Deadpool, which was all references.)

      I was glad to see someone pick up the giant celestial in the ocean plotline in a major way.

      • We did finally address the elephant in the ocean.

        Oh, right! I forgot about that.

        I guess the only thing that changed is that adamantium is now in the MCU, which may lead into 616-Wolverine and the X-Men.

  • Overall I had fun, but I agree the film isn't without issues. Going into it knowing they had rewrites and reshoots, I think they put together a pretty good film. I think my biggest issue was the pacing, we just kept jumping around and didn't give things time to breathe.

    I liked the story of the Leader wanting and planning revenge against Ross. It made sense that after being turned into a monster he'd want to turn Ross into a monster. I think that was a better story.

    But it was a Captain America movie. His struggle was a lack of powers. I think the film should have had a monster vs power struggle, it would have tied the two plotlines together.

    Also the post credits was a little on the nose. Also coming from The Leader it was weird. The audience doesn't really know this guy so it's just weird and ominous.

  • As a comic nerd I thoroughly enjoyed it but I guarantee it will not stand the test of time just like how people shit on AoU now.

    This movie set up so much and worked as a middle child to various bookends and tied up a lot of shit and not only that the shit it did is insane.

    1. Brought back The Leader that was teased over a fucking decade ago
    2. Set up not just Wolverine but also The Silver Samurai and the introduction to Chris fucking Claremont
    3. Closed off celestials loop
    4. Set up red/green hulk conflict

    So help me god if Marvel can do Wolverine in Japan storyline I will jizz my pants.

    • I do wonder if The Leader was included just so he can exist after the universe reboot. Like we can't reference his backstory if we don't acknowledge him, but now that we did, he can come back.

      Unless something is unannounced and upcoming I don't see the Leader fitting into any upcoming MCU projects, so why bring him back?

      • I think no one would know but I think the idea of having villians they can reach back into at times is of value for subplots or even full on threads. Like Ultron could come back.

        I want them to do more than villian of the week

    1. It was very good they didn't rely on camera shaking much. Hence it was more pleasant for people like me with eye problems and its attached dizziness, headaches, motion sickness, nausea, etc. Which increased replayability.
    2. Seems like Mackie has cartoony movements especially when turning his head left or right during action and fight sequences, which were even remarkably imitated by the stunt double during the opening landing and fights.
    3. Unconvincing pick for the opposing country to use. A very close military ally like Japan where the US even has numerous bases existing up to this day, with actual mutual defense agreement even, and actual no hostility to each other ever since, and yet to be actually the one nation to have a direct military confrontation with the US. It would have been resolved.
    4. Wouldn't those F-35 not be used against the US at all? I thought there are mechanisms and software installed and secured into the planes to safeguard them from being used against the United States?
    5. Giancarlo was actually more exciting and I was actually rooting for him over Mackie. Their charsima is widely apart it seemed. In fact, even from the trailers.
    6. In retrospect, the film would have been a good vehicle to elevate Falcon just like how they utilized the supposed B-tier Marvel comics characters in the past, and not piggyback on the Captain America label. In retrospect, why did Marvel/MCU need to create unnecessary division in their own fandom (the actual fans, real people) and in canon (in-universe). No one should have inherited the Captain America mantle in the MCU counterpart and should have been retired after Steve did the same. If the shield should be passed then just pass it by itself, for simply a new user of the shield. And since they picked Sam to be the new Cap already, then they should simply made him accepted in-universe from the get-go.