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  • This is how propaganda works. Take something you want people to hate, and insist that it is equivalent to something people already hate.

  • Well considering they elected Epstein's closest friend (yeah it's on tape), I would'nt try to make sens out of this. They need to hate people, they usually pick the easiest target aka minorities.

  • Transgender people often (wrongly) get their gender identity conflated with their sexuality. Transphobes already have a visceral reaction to a transgender person, so those feelings automatically extend to how they see a transgender person's sexuality. And as others have mentioned they may be projecting their own perversions on other people. They have an unhealthy view of sexuality in general, which may be the origin for their transphobia aswell.

    When I came out to my mother as transgender she had a hard time dealing with it. She seemed to have a weird fixation with my sexuality and sexual orientation whenever I tried to educate her on the subject, even after I explained to her that sexuality and sexual orientation is not related to my transgender identity.

    My mom has always been a prude when it came to raising her boys and constantly would police our vocabulary and sexual jokes. But she had no issues making jokes and comments about my sexuality when I came out to her as a transgender woman. So I can only assume she had unresolved issues with the way she sees sexuality in a way that it makes her uncomfortable and she was projecting her own perversions and unhealthy view of sexuality onto my transgender identity. Because to her why else would I transition if not for my sexual perversions, since that's the only way she can see world.

    On a side note, ever since I started my transition I pretty much stopped watching porn all together. I masturbate less and my mind isn't constantly fixated on sex and I'm able to experience the world through a much healthier lense. When I'm attracted to someone now, I'm not distracted by my sexual impulses as much and I'm much better able to connect with them as a person. So in short, embracing my transgender identity has dramatically decreased my uncontrolled sexual impulses. So when people paint us as some sort of deviant perverts, it's actually quite the opposite and nothing could be further from the truth. Not to mention, our sexuality is only a sliver of our transgender identity and we don't care for strangers making it a focus.

  • It's just to alienate and villainize the people they don't like. Image someone as criminal and disgusting and other people will grow the same feeling. It's what, Trump does too, with immigrants and trans people. Hitler did the same with jews. Spreading hate 101.

  • Because 'protecting the children' is really effective, as most people want to protect children, especially their own.

    Here's how I think it goes for a lot of people:

    1: never have actually interacted with trans people

    2: the first time you are introduced to trans people is a transphobic friend or pastor or podcast host or whoever. I believe it's most effective if the person is someone you trust, especially in a position of authority.

    3: they tell you trans people are evil wicked perverts, and since you trust this person and have never heard of this before, you believe it. And besides, who doesn't want to protect children? Evil wicked perverts, that's who, and you are not an evil wicked pervert are you? (Personally, I theorise that people are most likely to believe and keep believing whoever happens to be the first person to tell them about a certain subject.)

    4: chances are, this leads to you isolating yourself from anyone who could prove you this isn't true. If you somehow became friends with a trans person, you might understand that maybe they are not evil wicked perverts, but since your first reaction to learning someone is trans would be aggression, this is very unlikely to happen. (You could compare this to how cults isolate their members from people outside the cult to prevent them from encountering different perspectives that could change their mind.)

    So, long story short: propaganda.

  • To transphobes, ANY acceptance of trans folks is too much acceptance. So, they try and spread propaganda that’s awful and scary. Unfortunately, enough ignorant people will believe it. When dealing with the general public, you almost can’t have a reasonable discussion on the topic without pedophilia coming up. The subject is complex enough, and this further muddies the waters, which is what transphobes want. Even though it’s been debunked, there’s now an association in some people’s minds between transsexuals and pedophilia.

    Eventually people will laugh at this idea, and look at it the way we look at tragic paranoia like the Salem witch trials. Sadly, that won’t happen soon enough to help the people whose rights are being violated right now.

  • if you believe that sex and gender are synonymous and assigned at birth then someone who doesn't like their gender becomes a walking contradiction.
    any person with a healthy relationship to having their worldview challenged would see that and think "hey maybe i was taught wrong"

    unfortunately for everyone on earth conservatives define themselves by thinking that what they were taught is the rightiest thing ever actually so that doesn't happen

    as for why pedophiles specifically, they're a group of people who are so thoroughly hated any and all violence against them is 'justified'

  • most people already (unfairly) brand pedophiles as monsters, and so placing trans people into the same category as pedophiles is a way of alienating trans people from the "regular folk", marking them as the same "monsters" as "pedophiles".

    to clarify on the "unfairly": pedophilia is a paraphilic disorder (a paraphilia (a subjectively "atypical" fetish) that, when satisfied, may bring harm to others), not a crime; attraction is not sexual assault.

  • Once you call someone a pedo, that's it end of thought end of evidence. They are a oedo and so they are evil