I'm trans. I don't have the luxury of ignoring it.
I have been fighting against this bullshit for ten years. I even got arrested protesting Trump's bullshit once. Met some fantastic socialists and amarchists in jail.
Yeah, entertaining, isn't it? Seeing that every warning bell that was rung was ignored? That every day I waved a sign or shoved a cop, was just a day delaying this from happening?
Has it all been futile? Have I wasted ten years fighting the same fascists my grandfather fought in WW2?
The scariest thing is that the only reason we haven't done the violent uprising thing yet is because the only way it would succeed is if the military instigated the countercoup. We won't survive under American martial law, and they're bullbaiting us into giving them an exuse to kill and imprison us all. We must fight back, but we can't fight back.
This is hell. This is hell. Never, ever, ever let it happen in Belgium. For the love of any god that gives enough of a fuck to listen, care about politics. Care about politics before they decide they don't care about you.
Because in ten years, those of us who aren't in prison camps are going to be starving and freezing. Take a good look. Take a good, long look, and be smart enough to get up and do something dangerous and crazy once in a while when it matters most.