These days when I'm shopping for anything: if it's not a Canadian product, then it's Mexico, Peru, etc. I've cancelled Netflix and Amazon. It's just Crave and CBC gem atm.
I'm boosting CBC content over Murdoch slop and scrape-paste journalism wherever I can.
Some intentional behavioural changes too. Because I think boycotting America is also about deprogramming myself a bit.
Lifelong athiest, but I've started keeping a Sabbath. From sundown to sundown once a week, everything (except the fridge, stove, freezer and my alarm clock from the 1980s) gets turned off and unplugged. Including power cords. [Highly recommend - there's less static in the house and the cats are pleased.]
In my own neighbourhood, I see some white supremacists and fundies getting louder and prouder since Trump's second kick at the can. So, I make sure when I'm in public (I try) to stay calm and ready to step in. And I stay friendly. Nobody needs to be dealing with more bad vibes from random people in public.
[edit bc I wrote my diary on the internet for no good reason and need to take my own username advice for a bit]