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  • Same weirdos who defend the horrid use of land will say "Fuck off we're full" to immigrants trying to not die from wars and ethnic cleansing.

    • The US is very sparsely populated overall. Of course cities are densely populated, but that's because they're cities.

  • Yeah but then rich fucks wouldn’t have a place all to themselves to be rich fucks, so that’s a fuck you, poors, just be rich like us, thanks.

  • or we could not sacrifice our very limited green space to property developers overlords?!

    i'm not saying don't use green space better.. but keep it green.

    ps: i live in a very high density area and love it... but build up not out.

    • Public park > private golf course

    • I see a lot of people saying build up not out, but you still need a place without houses to build denser housing (parking oceans should be place #1). I would keep way more of the green space than they do (and add in some community gardens?), but this might be a good option depending on the surrounding (sub)urban context. Its certainly not a good option for every (or probably most) golf course, but its going to be the best option sometimes.

      • my suburb is build on old light industrial area. close to everything, great transport and bike paths.

        the main problem we have is land banking property developers just sit on land and wait for its value to go up so they can flip and make bank for doing nothing. also what gets built is to maximise profits not provide appropriate housing for all, so we get a lot of "executive suites" with italian tiles, european appliance and other wank shit that's only there to drive up the price.

        the answer as always is good quality public housing available to all (see vienna and singapore).