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TIL evidence of a precursor to warfare has been found at Nataruk in Kenya. Remains of at least 27 individuals have been found and dated to 7550–8550 BC. The condition of the skeletons indicates th...

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The original was posted on /r/todayilearned by /u/gullydon on 2025-02-24 17:08:29+00:00.

Original Title: TIL evidence of a precursor to warfare has been found at Nataruk in Kenya. Remains of at least 27 individuals have been found and dated to 7550–8550 BC. The condition of the skeletons indicates that a massacre took place as hands were bound and skulls were smashed by blunt force.

Today I learned

TIL evidence of a precursor to warfare has been found at Nataruk in Kenya. Remains of at least 27 individuals have been found and dated to 7550–8550 BC. The skeletons were bound and beaten.

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