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Fresh Debian 12 install and Steam having issues managing files?

Good afternoon y'all.

I recently installed Steam on a laptop running a fresh install of Debian 12 & KDE Plasma. I've done this dance numerous times on other hardware however, this time when installing games through Steam they hang at 100% Downloaded & Installed and only complete when i pause them, one occasion two games simply wouldn't install and took me a full day fighting with Steam to finish them and clear the queue.

Steam can't seem to move files between drives (note: one drive is an SSD and the other is an HDD) or uninstall files and i assumed this was a permissions issue at first however, comparing the directory permissions from the laptop to my desktop (also running Debian 12 & KDE Plasma) i see nothing out of the ordinary.

Any suggestions are appreciated - Some things I've already tried.

  • Purged steam from the system (including ~/.steam)
  • Cleared 'Download Cache' in Steam settings
  • chown & chmod (777) the common directories (~/.steam/steamapps/common)
  • Waited numerous hours assuming the HDD was ridiculously slow - moving/deleting files in the CLi shell works without issue!
  • Tried different download regions/countries