Not incorrect.
Not incorrect.

Not incorrect.
HTML 5 isn't a programming language! (Yes, I'm a nerd)
Assuming you're talking about HTML5 & CSS it actually is Turing Complete.
Has anyone ported doom yet?
Wrong. Well, at least incomplete.
You need user interaction (e.g., clicking on a button) and HTML & CSS for Turing Completeness, apparently.
Oof, I guess I’m a nerd
Awesome! I guess I'm a nerd!
I guess I'm an awesome nerd!
Is this a safe space to say that my favorite programming language rn is Python?
Only if you use it for systems programming
Especially writing drivers amirite!
Its okay. I'm sure you'll get over it.
When did you get diagnosed?
Big oof.
How dare you. I'm a physicist, not an engineer.
That's weird, a physicist that deals with the empirical world, how does the rest of your tribe feel about you? I promise you we can treat you better in engineering, but the initiation might be a little hard for you. It includes a lot of chanting "pi is 3", "what good is science if you don't apply it", and "that's a weird parameter, I'll just try setting it to one"
If you want to code like MATLAB but keep the leather elbow patched sports jacket and cozy office, maybe try getting plastered and code Visual Basic, it has the same feeling to it.
Hey, I'm not that old!
Is Fortran really your favorite language?
It’s easy syntax for math
No, actually not haha
when you're so much of a nerd that your favourite lang isn't in the meme (it's Ada btw)
What if you don't have a favorite programming language? I'm a firm believer that each language offers a specific set a features that makes each one uniquely suck and I often find myself at the crossroads of continuing to use this garbage or to learn a new language only to find it sucks in a different way. (/s another way of saying each language has its niche... (but sucks outside of it))
You are a nerd
Thank goodness, apparently I'm not old.
Not Verilog though. That shit is for jocks.
Vhdl gang rise up.
Truest words ever. Would flash/action script be considered?
No ! ? How the mighty have fallen.
It's still my favorite for now, though I do find Idris and Purescript compelling, too, for different reasons.
Fuck. Ocaml looks cool as hell. I should learn it.
Technically, half of those are scripting languages not programming languages.
Anyway my favourite is Bash because I'm weird, even for a nerd.
how is a script not a program??
I always thought that programs had to be compiled to be classed as programs.
Bottom left made me miss Kmart
Mine‘s Lisp.
You're an alien... And a nerd.
I think the definition for me would be geek
D: You're unpopular and a nerd.
What if you prefer a DSL? I use G'MIC for image processing tasks.
LISP: You are an AI researcher and a nerd.
that's not really true anymore is it though? in my limited experience now that nearly all AI is statistical, it's mostly implemented in python, R, matlab, or the low level languages that implement their stats libraries like C and fortran
Sure, but as far as I'm aware, no other large group of LISP users exists. My contention isn't that most AI researchers use LISP now, but that most LISP programmers are (were?) AI researchers.
I've been trying to learn about early AI work, and I'm finding that to get any practical details you're almost guaranteed to have to wade through LISP code, although at least it's usually pretty well commented.
Don't forget Julia!