People, at least Americans, today aren't capable of it for multiple reasons, most of them systemic and intentional.
Decades of cuts to education and the social fabric have rendered most of the populace too ignorant about everything for giving them a say being a good idea.
Like term limits. How many people would vote for term limits without doing any research to find out they basically always make things worse because they keep out the people that want to spend their lives in faithful public service while there are no shortage of stooges corporations can push through.
So, you have the third of the country that voted for fascism. Pretty bad...
But then you have the other third that's convinced voting for Democrats that spent 50 years empowering fascism will save them.
Then you have the third that's completely disengaged because they don't care.
Direct democracy can't work as long as people believe capitalism serves anything other than the ruling class.