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Fake retro video game ring worth €50m smashed in Italy
  • Yeah, nothing like overinflating the value of things to make your 12k retro console emulator bust sound impressive. Pretty sure stopping a single shipping container from China would find more contraband.

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    Boeing strike: entry-level workers cannot live on their wage. “At Panda Express, they’re making as much as a grade-three mechanic”
  • That's not entirely true, the idea of specialized jobs being paid more is due to the fact the worker had to invest time or money into the skill. The point being made is that a low skilled job generally shouldn't be paid more than a skilled job, due to education/training costs.

    That's the arguement being made, and drawing attention to the fact that Boeing could lose generations of techs to other careers (forever) if they don't act now. Because once someone moves away from the field, it's hard (time and money) to bring them back.

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    Quite an unusual interior
  • Exactly what I came to comment on. Got a TV that's half way off the wall and a ps5 hiding on the stairs just ready to take someone out.

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    WSL vs. Dual Booting vs. virtualbox
  • This is what I was going to say.

    • If they're a dev WSL is a godsend for development.
    • If they are looking to move away from windows, dual boot or live cd/thumb drive are good ways to test things out.
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    Tesla Model 3 Prices Dropping Like A ‘Lead Balloon,’ Says Study
  • I think the issue is that it makes it riskier to buy one. They're expensive one day and then drop in price the next means that the market hasn't figured out what they should really cost. If you sell/trade-in your cars semi frequently, that's a big risk.

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    Tuesday 9/10 Presidential Debate Megathread!
  • It was sooo frustrating cause they shut down Harris at one point, like stop letting Trump steam roll you and be consistent on who can speak.

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    Google's AI Will Help Decide Whether Unemployed Workers Get Benefits
  • I mean an easy way to make these systems is all approvals go through automatically and all rejections require human review. But it usually feels like they just want an excuse to deny claims.

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    Sony announces the PS5 Pro with a larger GPU, advanced ray tracing, and AI upscaling
  • That's actually why I went with the Xbox this cycle. I got a series x for the large TV and a $200 (on sale) series S for the smaller one (although we usually just use a computer monitor and play side by side on the couch).

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    US Wants To Deploy Controversial Missile System to Japan
  • Yeah, the person above you seems to be ignoring the fact that them breaching their air space for the first time is an escalation, not to mention China has generally been escalating it's rhetoric recently.

    It could be argued that China is feeling pressured to escalate (due to external events or US escalating trade/policy stances), but threatening a missile system is more signaling "keep this up and we'll respond".

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    Where's the lie?
  • I also hate how this blames the candidate and not the voting populace. Kamala may not even win as it is, but would almost certainly loose if taking a strong stance on Gaza. Blame the American people and stop playing this whataboutism game.

    All that aside, Kamala is the fastest way to ending the genocide. It may not be her current platform, but she's the best shot at getting the US to change its stance.

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    CalcGPT: an AI powered calculator
  • One of thing I love telling the that always surprises people is that you can't build a deep learning model that can do math (at least using conventional layers).

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    Despite tech-savvy reputation, Gen Z falls behind in keyboard typing skills
  • Microsoft actually ported their keyboard to android, called "Microsoft SwiftKey" or similar. It's a great keyboard, but apparently now has copilot ಠ_ಠ

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    What's your favourite game made for a handheld console?
  • While always mentioned when talking about the psp library, I definitely think it's really a hidden gem for the larger gaming community.

    After playing Jeanne D'arc most trpgs feel underwheing.

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    Man Arrested for Creating Fake Bands With AI, Then Making $10 Million by Listening to Their Songs With Bots
  • Yeah I read another article on this and it's very unclear what was illegal. If I had to guess they're getting him on the technicalities of the process rather than on the actual streaming.

    Edit: so I looked it up and realized wire fraud is "electronic" fraud, not bank wiring - Online definition

    Which given the way the guy did it definitely seems to meet that definition.

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    Man Arrested for Sharing Copyright Infringing Nude Scenes Through Reddit.
  • One solution that's been proposed is to cryptographic ally sign content. This way someone can prove they "made" the content. It doesn't prove the content is real, but means you can verify the originator.

    However, at the end of the day, you're still stuck with needing to decide who you trust.

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    Kotaku being Kotaku
  • Oh yeah, I don't disagree it has had a large following since it released. I was just highlighting that even if a majority of the player base was 5-15 on release, they'd be 20-30 now. So why target just kids.

  • West of Loathing

    Available Now on Win/Mac/Linux via Steam for $11

    Not sure if a perfect fit, but a comedy western rpg with a bit of a supernatural element. If you haven't already you should check it out!
