Just a few small temp files.
Just a few small temp files.

Just a few small temp files.
This is why regular users can't move to linux. Until issues like this are solved, it is doomed to be nothing more than a niche OS for nerds.
*used by 50% of phones, most servers.
I only learned the other day that windows doesn’t automatically purge the Temp folder.
Like you could write gigabyte files there every day until it crashed running out of disk space.
So... I work at an MSP. Our RMM agent has a version of portable firefox as a part of their 'backstage' shell - Recently we've had cases where it is writing GBs PER DAY of FFox portable to c:\windows\temp... - We stopped that part of backstage when we figured it out but we're still cleaning up. Not 20 minutes ago I cleared 150GB of FFox portable files on some woman's computer.
I've seen cached updates taking hundreds of gigabytes on windows 7