What are these people using dell products for?
What are these people using dell products for?

I'll write a transcript if anyone needs it.
What are these people using dell products for?
I'll write a transcript if anyone needs it.
I love that they provide an option for self-reporting evading sanctions.
So they know how much more the markup can be next time. home or office? minimal markup. everything else add an extra 0 to the price.
Damn. Looks like dell will be recieving top dollar from the weapons of mass destruction industry.
"other" gets two zeros and your name on all of the lists
This is how you get fun stats to claim to higher ups. "We want to know how our products are used!". Sure thing. Now if you just give home/office as options you will have boring results. If you add options like weapons of mass destruction, your next meeting is going to be fun!
There had been the Quizzing Device, a three-ton water-driven monstrosity based on a recently discovered design by Leonard of Quirm. It had been a bad idea. Captain Carrot of the Watch, who had a mind like a needle under his open smiling face, had surreptitiously substituted a new roll of questions like: "Were you nere Vortin's Diamond Warehouse on the Nite of the 15th?" and: "Who was the Third Man Who did the Blagging At Bearhugger's Distillery Larst week?" and had arrested three customers before they caught on.