One of my models made in engineering/physics sandbox game Flyout
One of my models made in engineering/physics sandbox game Flyout

One of my models made in engineering/physics sandbox game Flyout
Damn, nice work on that. Flyout takes a bit of figuring out, but it's really cool once do. How did you go about making the texture for it? I assume it's a bunch of decals. They look great.
I haven't played all that much and definitely haven't made anything that looks as polished as this, but I was quite happy with the hypothetical successor to the De Havilland Sea Vixen that I made
Thanks! That is a great looking model!
The texture on this craft is painted in the editor with mostly built-in brushes, but I have used decals a bunch in my other projects for weathering and texture.
It definitely has a big learning curve. The editor is very basic in terms of modeling tools, but I like that it is pretty open in terms of design and shapes (relative to similar games), and even though it can take a long time and a lot of effort, it is pretty satisfying when something comes out looking and performing great.
This model is one of my most recent, but I have a few thousand hours in this game, although I have not been as active in the last couple of months.
Beautiful work OP!