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Anyone else feel that Thunder scrolling is not as smooth as other apps?

So I've compared Thunder, Sync, and Voyager. They all report as running at 120fps on my pixel 8 pro, but only sync and voyager actually feel like it.

I'm not sure how to quantify or prove this, but there's a noticeable feel of microstutter when scrolling through feeds or comments on thunder.

Does anyone else experience this? Thunder is still my favourite of the 3 just because of it's functionality and features, but would love for it to feel a little better to navigate.

  • Yeah, I'm coming from iOS (mlem) and tried out a bunch of different apps. I picked Thunder on Android cause it has all the features and style I want, but the scrolling and loading of feeds feels not as smooth/fast as other apps.

  • Scrolling isn't my issue. It's the lack of direct messaging and other little things like a functioning >!hidden text!< Button that keep me from using it.