
This isn't the confederacy that's taken over, this is a hostile acquisition by corporations. The key difference is that while there's a blatantly racist tone to the current administration, it's all a cover to make the racist conservative block feel like they've won, while the corporations get all the deregulation they want, and everyone who is not wealthy is getting their pockets cleaned and their right to complain removed.
"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." -President Lyndon B. Johnson
everyone let it happen. no one stopped it.
A better way to look at it is that tech companies were quietly siding with Trump before the election and pushed a massive amount of disinformation on social media to heavily influence the election in favor of their guy.
This might sound wrong in the context of this current week, and downturn in the stock market, but I'll bet money that every major corporate C-suite has had a presentation on how much they stand to profit long term from Mango Mussolini. They are about to get their wildest wet dream: company towns free from regulation, and all the tax breaks they could ever imagine.
see you are on the jailers side in all this
plenty of canaries like myself putting good roots based efforts in and always has and will be
our efforts are not battled against by citizens but our overlords
baby, I'm an anarchist
no group of votes decides anything in the United States because voting is a fantasy perpetuated by the tech and religious oligarchs that really run this country in order to continue the football politics charade
blaming your fellow sick because of no healthcare, polluted due to corporate plus military pollution, under educated because of an extremely underfunded education system, rights stomped in the mud citizens is only doing our jailers work for them
if we all rise we can all rise
quit being the crabs that pull the crabs almost free from the bucket back in
Honestly, your rhetoric: total crab energy
How exactly is voting a fantasy? All elections are rigged?
In the sense that it's a two party system, yes. The ruling class only gives us the illusion of choice.
The choices are rigged. You can't vote for change if change isn't on the ballot... The best sounding politician in living memory was voted in. and we got...(Checks notes) increased drone bombing and sold out to the insurance companies.
I just posted a video from a cultural psychologist that talks about this. It’s exactly what you think it is, the hyper-individualism that capitalism cultivates that causes this mentality.