them - "wHy iS tHe MeSsAgE fOcUsEd oN tHeM? whAt AbOuT mE?!", also them - "bUt tEsla iS bEiNG sPeciFiCalLy TaRgETeD"
them - "wHy iS tHe MeSsAgE fOcUsEd oN tHeM? whAt AbOuT mE?!", also them - "bUt tEsla iS bEiNG sPeciFiCalLy TaRgETeD"

This is not meant to say that cars matter or that they should be protected. It's just meant as an absurd juxtaposition of the hypocritical and bigoted attitudes of the current U.S. admin as they relate to their current actions and statements regarding the Tesla car company.