Communism in theory vs in practice
Communism in theory vs in practice

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Communism in theory vs in practice
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I dont even need full blown communism, just a world without corporations...that would be amazing
Corporations are whatever we define them to be.
They're only legal structures which we could construct to be beneficial, or as we see in modern times, others could mold to rob society of greater good.
The problem isn't corporations, the problem is humans don't have the consistent will to build societies that prevent and punish greed.
you do understand how circular and self defeating your analysis is, right?
you say the problem is not punishing greed. okay. let's follow your last sentence to it's logical conclusion.... how exactly (in today's corporate controlled society) would we punish greed? keeping in mind, greed at the level of corporations is inarguably the single most salient and damaging type of greed.
could the answer have anything to do with say, corporations?
That's what China does to its corporations. It's called social capitalism.
Or itself destructs as it abuses it citizens too much so they revolt.
If we ever get real communism and not that tankie shit maybe it would last.
We'll never get real communism because humans are awful and will eventually corrupt any system.
Basically fucked either way. Too bad for us
Anarchism tends to be significantly more vulnerable to CIA-backed death squads than tankie regimes, unfortunately.
Anarchists biggest threat has always been tankies. Biggest backstabbers around.
It's a sad fact that the peacefull socialist end up in massgraves
I can't believe the CIA was behind all of those Soviet regimes which brutally destroyed workers' democracy 😔