Just wanted to share the link to the livestream of the designer Matt3o looking at the first batch of the MTNU keycaps. They are made by GMK out of PBT, with double shot legends. The profile has been developed by Matt3o and GMK as a Cherry-height spherical angle shape.
First batch is currently shipping out and has the WoB, Beige and Susu colorways.
I find it really interesting and I don’t think I read anything here regarding this.
It feels like there are a lot of other low sphericals now-- XDA/MDA, CSA, Akko's ASA, XVX for backlit-- at much lower prices and shorter lead time. $115 for a 100% set stings when I'm used to sub-$40 sets from China.
I guess what GMK could bring would be brand power and standardization. Buy a few cheap sets and they'll likely be subtly different profiles, but I'd expect MTNU sets would be interchangeable, which is a bigger deal the further you get from 104-ANSI boards
Sure they are expensive! Good news is, it looks like these designs are the very first offerings with this profile and with time a lot of options could become available (a second GB by another designer started before the first batch was even produced - MTNU 800)
Yeah they just too expensive for 40s and not amazing kitting, no 2x3u space bars means no buy from me as most of my boards are 2x3u.
They either need to start adding basic 40s support to base kits as with GMK Cherry (it's three keys) or go like SA and split the alphas and mods so you are only buying the mods you actually need.
Paying way more (it's like £70 for the 40s kit, with fuck all space bars in it, on top of the mods for full size you'll never use it just bad value.
Sure, SP SA is still expensive but at least you're only buy what you need.
They are not standardized. the bars you just spent 30$ on might not even fit
it's never stated what wiresize the 3U bars need when buying caps
there's only one bar in mosts sets.
3U bars are a half nightmare and need to be standardized.
I much prefer 2.25/2.75 for those reasons, although it looks like shyte compared to nice and symmetrical 3U.
Always liked Susuwatari but could never get myself comfortable with MT3 profile. So glad for the reminder, placed an order - finally going to get my own set of Susuwatari, thanks!