You don't understand Putin's strategy. Controlling America would be great, but he doesn't have to control it, he just has to throw it into chaos, so that its outsized influence in the world is destroyed. Then they can establish a new world order in which Sociopathic Oligarchs run the world instead nations. If they succeed, every Sociopathic Oligarch becomes his own little King, free from the restrictions of his nation's laws. That's why every billionaire is on board, and why we should prohibit billionaires, if we even survive this.
In 1997, Alexander Dugin published Foundations in Geopolitics, which has become the Russian playbook. It is taught at the Russian Officer's School, and Putin keeps a copy in his office. Dugin is a highly influential advisor to Putin. His daughter rose to be an extremely influential member of the Russian Intelligence agency. She was killed by a car bomb few years ago, which as meant for her father, who was saved when he went back to retrieve his umbrella.
Foundations of Geopolitics describes how Russia can become the dominant world influence without firing a shot. Each geographical region of the world has its own plan. For America, the plan is:
Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States and Canada to fuel instabilty and separatism against neoliberal globalist Western hegemony, such as, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists" to create severe backlash against the rotten political state of affairs in the current present-day system of the United States and Canada. Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic conflict, social, and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements - extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics.
Sound familiar? It perfectly describes the growing divisions in this country in the 21st century. How can you call this a coincidence?
Of particular interest is the very first line: "Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States..." What does that mean? What "special forces" had Russia planted in America in 1997, when this book was published. We now know that the FBI was aware of Russian moles in America as early as 2000, but these people were quietly placed in sensitive positions to get access to information. They weren't the kind of "special forces" intended to sow chaos.
OTOH, Trump was a friend to the Russians since 1987, when he visited SOVIET Russia, and was given the designation Agent Krasnov. Soon after that visit, he began parroting Russian propaganda talking points and laundering money for Russian Oligarchs/Mobsters. It is likely that Agent Krasnov was at least one of the "special forces" referred to.
Now he is president again, and this time he came into office prepared with a plan - Project 2025. Our government is being systematically and recklessly dismantled, and we are quickly careening toward chaos. The day the first Social Security payment is missed, which will be soon, America will come apart at the seams.
It all fits the plan for America in The Foundation of Geopolitics. We saw how he was a supplicant to Putin during his first term, and we know Trump and Musk were both in close contact with Putin during the Biden years. We know that nearly everyone in Trump's orbit during his first term (Flynn, Manafort, et al) were so involved with the Russians that many went to prison for what essentially amounts to treason. All of that, and much more, and you still think Trump's connections to Putin/Russia are doubtful?
Polish your Critical Thinking Skills, and hone your Google-Fu. You need to do more research.