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Experts reveal link between heatwaves and dementia
  • It's anglos. It's always anglos. In the northern hemisphere the idiot belt is the southern regions. In The southern hemisphere it's the northern regions. White anglos aren't meant to be that close to heat

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    Disabling wi-fi on Samsung home appliances (specifically dishwasher)
  • Ok dude.

    Have you ever set up one of these devices? It's not a case of 'find my wifi, enter in passkey, connected' they literally broadcast an unsecured ad hoc network that you connect to and configure from.

    If you never connect it it will sit there blaring an unsecured wifi with access to its core configuration forever

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    What's your stance on "donating" blood plasma?
  • Worth remembering that a lot of serious life-changing surgeries are 'elective'

    By which i mean shit like joint reconstruction, endometriosis removal, ear grommets, cataract removal, etc.

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    The dark arts
  • '78 here. Old enough to have seen ghostbusters at the cinema and used a rotary phone, young enough to have ridden the digital wave. I got powers they cannot even conceive

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    William Crowther: A severed statue divides an Australian city
  • Eh fuckim. Read up on the dude, no one needs a statue of someone who was premier for less than a year and whose primary legacy is Very Likely Desecrated Corpses.

  • Due to hardware reqs we're tossing the idea at work to replace the Microsoft termserv with Linux. Due to the userbase being all windows fans we'd need a full on GUI and i've been prodded towards Mint. Good idea or bad?

    I've happily set up a remote kunbuntu for my workspace previously, but accomodating multiple complete linux neophytes is giving me a bit of pause.

    Bit more info: The current termserv is a debloated win10 machine with the multisession registry edit. However, it's on an R515 with proxmox (and running extremely well). Due to partner network requirements, we can't run depreciated software, and the box won't support win11, and frankly, I sat the boss down and asked him if he wanted to be microsoft's bitch for the forseeable future and junk serviceable hardware. He's absolutely up to getting on a linux ecosystem, but the graphical desktop environment is non-negotiable on his end.

    **EDIT: ** Anyone else looking to run this system: Video link at


    For anyone looking to retrofit SATA SSDs into internal Dell 3.5" bays....

    Based on an r210 II I'm currently doing up

    random info I thought may be useful to others


    Tim Pallas told an industry breakfast on Tuesday that he planned to introduce legislation to parliament this week, which will see the vacant residential land tax expanded to include the whole state from 1 January 2025.
