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  • Things have felt pretty damn good around but lets review-

    ! Still tops the list. Last week we had just over 100 subscribers, this week we're sitting at >160 and the activity around the community shows it. Fucking bravo everyone. Legends, all of you.

    ! Has a mirror trajectory. Last week just under 100 subscribers, this week we are just under 160 awesome people to hang out with. Activity is up here as well. Great stuff!

    ! moves up a spot this week from around 60 subscribers last week, up to nearly 90 this week. is churning out low effort masterpieces like a kindergarten class with finger paints. What more could we ask for? Whenever you guys are done eating paste come show him your appreciation and hang your own low effort artwork on the wall!

    ! moves down a slot but still saw impressive growth for our small instance. Last week we had around 60 subscribers and this week we're over 70. The activity is up here too with weekly trading opportunities (IT'S TODAY!) posted by and filling us in with news and updates. Come check out the cool stuff we've been pulling and maybe pickup a card or two you've been hunting!

    ! is still working on breaking into the 50 subscriber club. With the return of F1 we've had more of that type of content being posted, but anything and everything auto racing is more than welcome.

  • Getting a bit frustrated about the BuyEuropean / BuyfromEU situation. Now there's even another one, ! I tried to bring the argument that too many communities on a niche topic splinter discussion with the admin, but they still want to keep their community open.

    ! for people interested

    • Don't be (it will not help you and it won't change a thing). Not forgetting that they're free to do whatever they want. No one is right or wrong, it's just... not ideal as it is ;)

      Also, seeing how this is becoming kinda trendy topic relayed outside Lemmy I would not be surprised to see even more appearing. Say 'use-european' 'Support-european' 'made-in-Europe' (this one has my preference :p) and their obvious mirrors 'made-in-the-EU', 'support-the-EU', and so on.

      I don't know about the other users but I can't be bothered with too many similar communities (2 is really a maximum as far as I'm concerned, after that it's just a mess that requires way too much time/energy from me to get anything out of it). So, I will ignore trends and focus on those communities whose moderation/participation I appreciate the most ;)

      • My main frustration comes from the fact that instead of building a community together, we're competing with the 3 different versions of the same community

    • Have you considered asking the similar communities to link to their counterparts in the sidebar? At least that way no matter what one you discover first you can find the rest pretty easily.

    • A topic I've thought about too. (just joined lemmy and was bit confused to why they dont merge somehow)

      EDIT: Maybe be more distinct and communicate in very aggressive ways what's unique that the other community doesnt have. Thoughts?

  • ! keeps on growing (437 users, today), but still very little participation.

    I'm counting on the new subscribers to make a difference in the long run as I imagine most of the old user base is AFK like the original admin/creator (there were approx 200-230 users when I was given the keys to the community, and it had been hibernating for at the very least a whole year before I started posting). Hopefully with the number of new users steadily growing, and them becoming less 'new' a few should start participate more ;)