"Don't Be A Sucker" An anti-fascist propaganda film produced by the US Army Signal Corps in 1943, which describes how Hitler gained power through hate, which has become relevant in present times.
"Don't Be A Sucker" An anti-fascist propaganda film produced by the US Army Signal Corps in 1943, which describes how Hitler gained power through hate, which has become relevant in present times.
spectra.video Don't Be A Sucker (1947) (short film warning about fascism and the tricks it uses to gain power)
Short film made by the US Army just after the Second World War, warning about the tactics that Nazis use to gain power by dividing minorities from each other and telling blatant lies. This video ha...
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How Hitler used hate to gain power and that its not worth it to fall for hate. Worth a watch, you can even do a movie night on it maybe, its scary.