Probably my favorite DnD trope
Probably my favorite DnD trope

Probably my favorite DnD trope
From a post on the forums for Order of the Stick:
“Calling a wizard a sorcerer is like telling a college graduate that they only passed because they were naturally gifted.”
“Calling a wizard a warlock is like telling a college graduate that they only passed because they gave the dean a BJ behind the Arby’s.”
Ooh, let me try:
Calling a wizard a bard is like telling a college graduate they only passed because their professors thought they were sexy
Calling a wizard a cleric is like telling a college graduate they only passed because God wanted them to.
Whatever nerd.
You just hate me cause you ain’t me.
No. I hate you because you keep accidentally casting confusion on everyone.
A sorcerer is the spoiled rich kid of the d&d world. Imma eat it.