Starfleet Academy of Delinquents and Troublemakers
Starfleet Academy of Delinquents and Troublemakers

Starfleet Academy of Delinquents and Troublemakers
Logically, there is but one choice
I'm a Boimler though
I'm more of a Kayshon. Jonah Hill, references out of control.
The_Picard_Maneuver and ummthatguy in the Fediverse
Stamets, his memes unfurled.
I eat bones, he eat bones. It feels good to see yourself represented.
I want to say Rutherford, but I know anyone who answers this is really a Boim. So I guess Boim it is.
Shit, that's true. I guess I'm a Boim too
Rutherford ... I could just stare at the warp core all day ... even as the ship burns and flies into the gravitational pull of a nearby black hole
Please let me blow up their warp core, I've been very good this month!
Only thing worse that a warp core is a Cardassian warp core!
I want to say Mariner but I'm defiantly a Tendi.
Very Mariner thing to do, play nonchalant but actually be a giant nerd
I'm like if Boimler and Rutherford got Tuvixed.
I'm one of the unnamed crew of starbase 80, for sure.
The best part is that, instead of being rivals, they’re all BFFs ❤️
Mariner, except I have a stronger commitment to delinquency.
@negativenull I need a website to tell me who I am... I don't trust myself .... Aaaargh, like Boimler.
I'm Boimler. Tell me I'm not Boimler. Come on.
Welcome to team Boimler?
The more you try ... try at anything .... the more Boimler you become
I wish I was a tenth as motivated as any of them
Dr. T'ana or grumpy young Rutherford if I had to choose. Gotta know how stuff works but I'm gonna yell and swear at it while I fix it.
Yeah they are really competent, so none of them
Mariner seems like she's done self sabotaging, so none of them, really.
I'm definitely a Tendi. Science FTW!
I’m a Rutherford who likes to think he’s a Mariner
I'm 95% Samanthan with a dash of Boims.
That image of Rutherford looks like prime template material. 👀
I am totally on team Tendi. She's such an amazing character. Brains and a badass, not to mention I love her enthusiasm over the small things. Out of all the Star Trek shows and movies, of all the crew we've ever encountered, I have rarely enjoyed a character so much, except for maybe The Doctor and Garak.
a bit more Mariner than Tendi, but it's close and varies according to material conditions
I can't decide!
It's so hard for sure
Mariner but on like 10% energy.
Tendi, easily. Past me was more Mariner, though.