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A nice debunk of the transphobic trope of ‘lesbian erasure’ The truth about ‘lesbian erasure’ - Overland literary journal

It seems lesbian identity has become something of a cause célèbre for the global right, providing pseudo-progressive cover to anti-trans hate. Lesbians, the logic runs, are women who are exclusively sexually attracted to other women, and therefore uniquely clear-sighted about what the most important...

  • The pointless persecution of trans women by people whose lives would be no different if they didn't bother with their bigotry campaigns never ceases to confuse me. Why go through all the trouble just to screw over a stranger? Surely their sadism can be satisfied in some other less harmful way?

  • The Right has always imitated the rhetoric of the Left in order to push their viewpoints once people stop engaging with their ideologies directly, including using right-wing minorities who will claim being discriminated against by the Left if they are called-out for their own anti-minority rhetoric.

    I won't speculate on the personal reasons the people in LAG have for collaborating with ideologies that in actuality hate them as well, because I think there are actually a lot of different potential reasons (e.g. being just plain bigoted, hoping to be left unharmed as 'one of the good ones', somehow believing that their societal acceptance is actually more threatened by trans people than conservatives, etc), but it is always sad to see, because I feel like they often deny their own oppression in order to do it.

    • I feel like they often deny their own oppression in order to do it.

      My suspicion is that they're not denying their own oppression, but are in fact acutely aware of it, and are either lashing out at others in order to win approval from their oppressors (the same way sometimes the victim of bullying will start bullying others so the bullies become their friends), or they are misplacing blame for their oppression. The thing that made me suspect this are people like JK Rowling, who are themselves the victims of abuse at the hands of cis men, and they're incorrectly perceiving trans women as being cis men looking to perpetuate further abuse instead of recognising that trans women are not their enemies but are in fact potential allies. Although Rowling is a straight woman, I can well believe that lesbian women can fall into the same line of thinking if they've had bad experiences with men: they simply cannot believe that someone could have another motive for transitioning to female other than creeping on lesbians. They end up with right wing beliefs because the right is better at offering simple black and white solutions to problems, and better at finding a target to blame, which is appealing to those who are hurt, angry, and scared.

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