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Time off and a healthy lifestyle are driving some young Americans to Europe: 'You are a person first and a worker 2nd'

Some young American workers are moving to Europe in hopes of a healthier and happier life.

  • If you understand that the high salary is to meet the high cost of living in the United States then you'll understand that it isn't a pay cut. Take that one step further and consider the fact that the higher cost of living does NOT come with a higher quality of life in the US.

  • I lived in Italy for two years and would love to go back someday.

    • I'm approaching the end of a four-year stay in Italy, and I'm considering chaining myself to a fence post or something. The country is a mess, but the quality of life just cannot be beat.

  • I'm bitter because I was never well off enough to escape to Europe. Best I could do is maliciously complying with USA capitalism and becoming an anti-consumer

  • Wish I had the money to afford moving out there alone. Jealous.