Geneva – The Israeli army’s execution of an elderly Palestinian after using him in a propaganda campaign promoting its “safe corridor” in Gaza was strongly condemned in a statement released by Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor today.
The rights organisation expressed outrage over Israel’s incorporating the man into its attempt to cover up horrific crimes against displaced Palestinians fleeing Israeli violence in the northern Gaza Strip.
Israel’s army released a photo of one of its soldiers talking to Bashir Hajji, a 79-year-old resident of Gaza City's Zaytoun neighborhood, as he travelled on Salah al-Din Road, the main route to the southern Gaza Valley. The soldier in the photo appears to be helping and protecting displaced Palestinian civilians, said Euro-Med Monitor, yet Hajji was subjected to a field execution on the morning of Friday 10 November.
The elderly man’s granddaughter, Hala Hajji, told the Euro-Med Monitor team that her grandfather was brutally executed while crossing the “safe corridor” when members of the Israeli army intentionally shot him in the head and back. She also confirmed that he is in the photo that was put out by Israel—exposing the Israeli army's dangerous practice of flagrantly fabricating stories.
Euro-Med Monitor stated that it has previously documented dozens of cases where the Israeli army executed displaced Palestinians by live bullets and, in some cases, by artillery shells. Those displaced were attempting to flee to the south of Wadi Gaza at the Israeli army’s request.
Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor renewed its calls for the United Nations and the International Criminal Court to open an urgent independent investigation into the execution crimes to which displaced Palestinians have been and are still being subjected to, to hold those who ordered such crimes accountable, and to achieve justice for the victims.
I mean condemnation is a great start, but Israel isn't going to stop killing Palestinians until they're stopped, or there's no Palestinians left to kill.
Their rhetoric has made it clear that killing civilians isn't an unfortunate consequence of stopping Hamas - it's the objective, and they propped up Hamas over the PLO to create the pretext for this.
If there was ever a time that a person or nation took the sympathy of the world, and twisted it into action against them it is this. Israel can go fuck off now, as a previous Israel supporter I do not anymore.
Shit like this is why I'll never condemn the joint forces fighting for Palestine's survival. At some point, somebody's gonna get their lick back-- and Palestine deserves to get its lick back. This is the perfect reason for any (unlikely) un-radicalized Palestinians to enact 'eye for an eye' policies because of. Would that my community had that same kind of collective backbone.
That site is purely for nation-states these days. Just paid shills arguing with other paid shills with biased mods getting to dictate who gets to say what. Lol.
"Strongly condemned" where is that on a scale from 0 to 10 where 10 is stopping the action being condemned and 0 doing nothing? Is that a 2 or maybe 3?
The terrorist group Hamas has been actively preventing evacuation, and according to reports opening live fire on Palestinians trying to evacuate throughout this war.
Big title with little evidence this case was any different, coming from a highly non-objective organization that failed to find a single issue with Hamas, the sole government in Gaza, which took all the aid money and turn it into rockets.