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Mogelijke coalities

Alles hangt af van de VVD. Welke coalitie denken jullie dat het gaat worden?

  • Could anyone here please explain those parties for us foreigners?

      • PVV: Party against islam & migrants. They got in some trouble because of their "less morrocans" chant. They were last part of a failed coalition back in 2012. The coalition has not cooperated with them since. Their leader is Geert Wilders.
      • VVD: Center-right “let the market fix it party. Their identity was heavily intertwined with their leader, Mark Rutte. Mark Rutte (aka "teflon Mark") has been the prime-minister of the Netherlands since 2010 but has recently announced his departure.
      • NSC: Party centered around a single politician nobody knew about until the “functie elders” incident in 2020. A photographer took a picture of an internal document which included the text "Omtzigt, functie elders" which translates to "Omtzigt function elsewhere". The coalition (VVD, CDA, D66, CU) were accused of trying to get rid of Omtzigt for exposing the "Toeslagenschandaal". Omtzigt then quit the CDA and created his own party.
      • GL-PvdA: Groen Links ("Green Left") and Partij van de Arbeid ("Labour Party") decided to cooperate this election. Their leader is Frans Timmermans. He was a minister in a previous coalition and Vice-President of the European commission (yes EU government for you Americans).
      • D66: Democratic liberals. They were a major party last election but lost a significant amount of votes since then. Their leader is Rob Jetten.
      • BBB: The Boer Burger Beweging ("Farmer & Civilian Movement") the recently created party was once projected to be a major party but lost a lot of seats this election. They still have a large amount of seats in the 1e Kamer from last election and are this a potentially important coalition member.
      • CU: The Christen-Unie ("Christians United") was part of the previous Coalition. They are the more moderate version of the SGP. The SGP's policy disallows woman to participate in politics but the CU currently has a woman as leader. They are both against abortion, prostitution, and drugs.

      Some parts are simplified for foreigners. Feel free to ask questions.

  • Bij die allerbovenste rechtse coalitie pakken ze BBB er ook bij denk ik, die zijn heel erg groot in de eerste kamer namelijk.

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