Defenders of oatmeal
Defenders of oatmeal

Defenders of oatmeal
To be fair, most things don´t taste that well on their own.
Now finish your bowl of ketchup.
Spinach meet lime.
Tell that to some fruit.
Yeah, I've tasted a lot of single men who taste great!
Well, here I am!
To be fair!
Wait until you hear about rice and pasta.
Pasta? You mean flour with a bunch of stuff added to it?
huh? d-does your rice and pasta not taste good just boiled with some salt?
get better pasta and rice dude
I don't even need to put salt on my rice. It's great on its own just boiled.
Defenders of McDonald’s chicken nuggets surprised to learn they contain 38 ingredients.
Not to mention drowning each bite in a little tub of bbq sauce
I eat mine dry. Would this get me into the Salty Spitoon?
38 different chickens per nugget.
Doesn't matter. Everything besides water and chicken-ish "meat" is only in there in microscopic amounts. Especially water.
Oatmeal is a grain product, so yeah, adding other things to it to make it more to your personal liking is kinda the point.
This is like saying bread is bad because most people like it in a sandwich.
Wheat is bad because you have to add more than just water to make bread
That's actually not even necessarily true. You can just leave flour around in water and the natural yeast ferments. Then you can throw that in with some more water and flour and it's sourdough. Would be better with some salt though.
Or you can make super depressing unleavened flatbread.
Yes, no one who says "I love pasta!" is saying that to mean "I love just the pasta on its own without any sauce"
Er...n-no one? ^^'
I have a friend who eats pasta not only plsin, but raw.
Have you ever had fresh baked bread (even flatbread)?
Oatmeal like rice, tofu, grits, or any number of other foods is a flavor vehicle.
I dunno man, rice is pretty delicious on its own
I prefer it with water and maybe some salt though
As a kid one of my favorite memories is just eating a plain bowl of white rice with some salt and pepper.
Almost as nice as a plain slice of dry white bread washed down with a refreshing glass of government juice
Bread, especially naan, is great on its own or as a carrier for more flavorful foods.
Guy Fieri wrote this.
My dudes got whole towns hyped up on flavor.
plain tofu or rice is good though.
Sometimes I just eat cubes of tofu as a snack.
Anyone making the assertion that ingredients must taste good on their own to be considered tasty is free to go try vanilla extract to compare it to vanilla icecream.
Well no shit, ever heard of cooking?
Why do people insist on randomly hating what other people eat? The textbook definition of differing tastes between different people than cannot be accounted for? Unless your kid is named Oatmeal and they ate them, maybe mind your own business.
You heartless bastard! Oatmeal was my second-favourite son and that bastard seasoned him with store brand ketchup! STORE BRAND!
It's probably a fat fuck that can't stomach anything with less than 30g of sugar.
oh boy fatphobia
I mean, in a pinch you can get away with just butter and salt. Oats taste fine by themselves, it's just really boring after two bites.
EDIT: I am not a horse.
EDIT: I am not a horse.
Too bad. I would have been very impressed if you were, considering you're posting comments on an Internet forum.
It would be interesting, but is it true? I would tell you nay.
Imagine the size of a keyboard you would need to accommodate a horse's hoof!
EDIT: I am not a horse.
That's exactly what a horse would say
As a child I did butter and SUGAR with my oatmeal.
Oats with butter, sugar, cinnamon. Loved that as a kid.
EDIT: I am not a horse.
Okay, Ed.
Steel cut oats don't need anything except maybe a little milk. They're delicious, fight me.
Dude, you enjoy plain oat meal. I ain't getting in a fight with someone like that. That's like picking a fight with Popeye because he eats plain spinach.
Plain canned spinach. I could do plain spinach all day, but the idea of canned spinach is horrendous.
Oats, water, pinch of salt. Maybe its cause I was raised protestant but the day should start as miserable as it will go on.
I could never get into steel cut, but this is how I eat rolled oats. But its gotta be Quaker Original or Bobs or something. Instant oats suck ass.
And I like whole oat groats even better. Discrete grains not unlike cooking rice. Groats and steel cut oats are such an improvement on texture. Guess there's a little trade-off in cooking time, but it really doesn't take that long. I'll make a little pot and have it for a week.
I love and eat oatmeal every day. More than ones through the day actually, plain
Just oats and water.
If i want something different than nothing beats fruits in this game for me. A good apple sauce is also awesome on oatmeal.
Not even salt? Whoa
Some yogurt and honey is great in my steel cut oats
Question. What is the difference between "steel cut oats" and regular oatmeal?
Do yourself a favor and sub the water with milk or a milk substitute. Takes the oatmeal to 11
I eat oats just about every single day. The only time I'm not eating oats is around the holidays.
But I definitely don't mind unflavored oats. Normally I eat them savory, but plain oats are fine I suppose.
No matter how much you try to trick us by posting on the internet, we can still tell you're a horse!
The defense of Oatmeal is that it's insanely good for your health and will help you lose weight if you can shovel unsweetened oatmeal down your pie hole every morning.
Doesn't have to be unsweetened, just unsweetened with natural sugars like, sugar or honey. Stevia or other artificial sweeteners are okay for weight loss.
You eat oatmeal because it's good for your health.
I eat oatmeal because it gives me feel good fiber poop.
We are not the same.
It's fine by itself. I mean, it ain't winning any awards for taste, because it's not good but it's not awful either. It just exists. 🤷🏻♂️
I just put a handful of blueberries or cut up strawberries in mine for some stimulation. The main reason for me to have oatmeal is that it is super quick and extremely filling with just a small portion. Efficiency food.
I use stArch BTW
You ever eat plain oatmeal? It's alright, a bit plain but it's got it's distinct subtle flavor and isn't bad.
Everyone defending blank canvases arw like, "once I add 17 things to it, it looks so good."
That's what op sounds like.
I make it with milk instead of water and mix in some sugar and cinnamon. I don’t feel like that’s an excessive amount of condiments lol
Instead of sugar, I add honey and banana. Easiest healthy breakfast ever.
Isn't that the same for literally everything that we eat?
Found the tofu fan
Random thought: like eggs, depending on how you cook the tofu determines how good it is.
Lightly fried tofu flipped over a few times? Delicious. Tofu while it's limp from, gross.
Uh, no? There are all kinds of foods that are delicious exactly as they are. Most fruits, plenty of vegetables. Noodles need only butter. Meat needs only salt. It's pretty sad if you need to add 17 things to make anything taste good.
Everything needs some level of processing to taste good. Noodles are made from more than one ingredient so that doesn't count. Meat is great with only salt yes, but even better with a pepper corn sauce or something.
The same can be said for oats, it's fine with water and sugar or salt. But better with other things. When you combine ingredients you make something greater than the sum of its parts.
I imagine you have an empty spice cupboard and live on butter and noodles.
It's like saying you like plain white flour, when an reality you like lasagna
More like saying pancakes are shit unless you put toppings on it (like at least syrup). It's true but kinda defeats the purpose. No one eats them plain.
I do. Not always, but sometimes the toppings are just too sweet for my taste, especially in the morning.
I prefer pancakes plain tbh. But I also make them a bit sweeter.
I've eaten oats with oatmilk. It was good.
Is that not just oatmeal and water?
No, it's oats and oat milk
And here I am, enjoying just plain oats with tap water 🤷♂️
If all you eat is flavoured, over salted, over sweetened, highly processed food, then that's all your tastebuds will find enjoyable.
Hey, not everyone can be a gruel eating peasant /s
I've had pain oats for probably 40 years now and at this point I don't think I can have a normal morning without a bowl of oatmeal.
At first my parents feed us this because we were poor, then I ate it out of habit, then I ate it to save money, now I just eat because I don't want anything else any more.
sounds like a painful breakfast
My sibling in oatmeal, I've found you! Plain oats taste good. It's my favorite way to eat them.
This. But I use very little water. I love when my oatmeal won't slip off my spoon.
I feel personally attacked.
Did anyone want the list?
It's what I'm here for.
Brown sugar, maple syrup, vanilla extract, cinnamon, and the magical wonder of "apple pie spice".
Same with Starbucks coffee
I literally eat oatmeal raw and dry like a godamm horse eating out of a trough. Yes I have a problem.
7 of those 17 things are sugar and sugar accessories
As much as I love a good, sweet sugar and cinnamon oatmeal, just adding berries and some nuts is actually really good as well
Its still sugar, Berries are just carbohydrates and water.
Y'all sleeping on savory oatmeal. Make it with stock instead of milk or water, throw a fried egg on top, and that's good eatin
You've basically just made gruel.
Whatever it's called, it's delicious
here in sweden we have oat rice (they just snip the oats in half lengthwise), which makes that even better
We call that steel cut oats in the US.
Can confirm, it's much better
That sounds really good! Here in Denmark it looks like that kind of oat is mostly used for brewing beer... That seems quite in-character for Denmark, to be honest.
Oatmeal can't compare to the natural tasting notes of cinnamon toast crunch
Edit: On a serious note, Oatmeal is kind of like Coffee where you start by getting the ready made instant stuff, get a taste for it, begin to narrow your selection and then create your own perfect formula
Oatmeal with some cinnamon is great, if you don't have the palate of a child
I just do a cup of soymilk, pinch of salt, teaspoon of molasses until it boils, them i add a cup of oats and a quarter cup of raisins and it's a quick and delicious breakfast
Plus a bit of honey once it's all done
Molasses is like honey on steroids. So more honey is absolutely a go.
I've been eating a bowl of overnight oats for breakfast with just soymilk and some sugar for like two years now and I can't see it changing anytime soon. It just hits the spot for me.
no frozen berries? :(
If I've got some I'm not opposed, but I never do usually.
Leave 50g jumbo oats and 100ml soy milk and some cinnamon mixed in a closed container overnight in your fridge. Then in the morning add a splash of additional soy milk, other stuff*, and some honey.
The other stuff I use (all at the same time):
You can also use a nut mix (without peanuts). I just don't because I don't tolerate hazelnut well.
This breakfast is super useful because it includes so many nuts, which are recommended but quite tricky to include in one's diet. And it adds a ton of fiber and a piece of fruit.
Pinch of salt for me.
If imma be fancy I add bananas and a libble but of honey.
*little bit of honey... ._.;;
Meanwhile: Grits + salted butter
Cheese or GTFO
If I'm feeling fancy, I make some sausage gravy to put on the grits
Alright, well, fuck off then. Go eat whatever. If I catch you wrinkling your nose at my breakfast I dehumanize you and treat you as an NPC, just one of the things that's installed in here that I have to walk around.
Or you can let people eat their food without commenting on their business
Oats, milk, chia seeds and maple syrup in a container. Leave overnight in fridge. Great breakfast meal and a good substitute for sugary cereal.
I'll eat oats by themselves and dry
One of my kids used to just scoop out a handful of oats and eat them. But hated museli.
I like savory oats, sweetened oats, overnight oats, fermented oats. Oats are delicious. Saying if you don't like them plain you don't like them is nonsense. Nobody likes straight unsweetened cocoa either.
I don't need 17 things,Just sugar and milk is fine.
You can add sugar to many things and they'll taste ok.
By consuming dairy, you're funding these abuses done to innocent dairy cows:
Cows milk is for baby cows!
If you dislike these practices, you can easily stop funding them by going vegan.
I'm going to buy a burger after work becuase of this comment alone.
Half of these things have fallen out of practice since the 1980s. Clearly you even surfing facebook feeds for your sources. You’ve never been on a farm and it shows. You are very outdated, being hyperbolic to go beyond reason and to breed and feed on anxiety. You over shot. While domesticated cows are under much stress, being sensationalist about it is to be disingenuous. You are the bad actor here for all sides. And while it can come from a place of good intention as far as you’re concerned, as all bad acts do too. Do we need to stop drinking milk? Yea. But Stop spreading misinformation. It was inappropriate to stir anxiety and not necessary to lie to get that message across.
What made you decide to single out my comment without commenting on any of the other comments that mention milk? At least be consistent.
By typing this on pretty much any device you could be using, you're funding wars, cartels and child labor. .
I use breast milk from my hucow so these don't apply to me.
Tbh I've always seen oatmeal as a I don't care what I'm eating so long as I'm able to eat kind of food. Infact it's the main reason I've always seen those meal replacement shakes. Like your doing all this sciencey stuff just to make what is essentially just oatmeal put through a blender. Not to mention that there really isn't anything stopping you from just putting normal oatmeal in a cup and drinking oatmeal.
Meanwhile I don't even cook the oatmeal, just eat the little flakes straight up and like it.
Salt and sugar, that's it.
Honey and peanut butter.
Cum and additional cum
Oh god. For a moment, I thought the web comic artist did something.
Just had oatmeal and blueberries. But fine. Have it your way and die angry about something innocuous that no body else cares about.
Uh...brown sugar is one thing, not 17.
Most brown sugar is a combination of white sugar and molasses, so technically it's two...
Molasses is a byproduct of sugar production, so its just one ingredient that was separated and recombined.
Meanwhile my regular tomato sauce has: tomatoes, tomato paste, oil, sugar, garlic, basil, oregano, chilli powder, crushed pepper, onions, mushrooms, ground beef, and sausage.
When I was doing a meal plan, my breakfast was oatmeal and egg whites microwaved together, with a pinch of Splenda. None of those things should have gone together. It was not good. They would have been much better separate, but I was in a hurry. Cinnamon helped.
Traditional porridge is amazing. Just with a little salt added it's the most fantastic breakfast food.
it tastes good plain. With milk
Ugh, it's like wet shredded cardboard when it's plain.
It tastes good if you are not dependant on sugar to allow you to enjoy food.
The secret is that you have to always add salt. Even a little salt can make oatmeal so much better tasting!
See also: Grits, coffee
Black coffee is delicious
The best coffee is made of two things: coffee beans and good quality water.
Same with wheat though?
Pizza is made of flour.
80g rolled oats
190g high quality H2O
--microwave 90 seconds--
63g unsweetened applesauce (refrigerated)
28g shelled, crushed walnuts
16g PBFit
25g Muscle Pharm chocolate protein
1 diced Granny Smith apple
Every morning.
Do you seriously meticulously measure those 63g, 28g, 16g etc. every day, or is it a joke? Now, don't get me wrong; I don't judge you if you do. I just couldn't see myself measuring a lot of stuff in such a precise manner first thing in the morning. I'd just go ~60g, ~30g, ~15g and then don't care if it's a few grams off. Or, actually, I'd probably just do "one tablespoon of this, a handful of that" etc.
Edit: "high quality H2O" got me laughing. I guess I'll have to stop using the swamp water for my breakfast...
It wouldn't be that hard with a scale. You just reset it after you add every ingredient.