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Five and a half million Germans cannot heat their homes sufficiently due to lack of money 5,5 Millionen Menschen konnten 2022 nicht angemessen heizen - WELT

Die steigenden Energiepreise durch den Ukraine-Krieg dürften vor allem der Grund für die Heizungskrise im letzten Jahr gewesen sein. In Milionen Haushalten war es nicht richtig wam.

  • 5
    • That had to be one of the most incredible moments of the war. It's pretty hilarious how people are still pretending to this day that we just don't know who did it.

  • Biden: If Russia invades […] then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it.
    Reporter: But how will you do that exactly, since the project is under Germany’s control?
    Biden: We will, I promise you. We’ll be able to do it.
