What's the best financial decision you've ever made?
What's the best financial decision you've ever made?
What's the best financial decision you've ever made?
A lot of people are against credit cards which is understandable. But I use them almost exclusively and pay them in full every month.
As long as I don't go over whatever I have in cash, these credit cards help me in building credit score as well as provide a layer of protection should some person or site try to over charge me later.
It's not for everyone, but it worked for me.
While not always too significant, many credit cards also offer points or cash back. I do the same as you (use my credit card for practically everything and always pay it off), and can use whatever points I get to make small mortgage prepayments, buy gift cards, etc.
I solely use an Amazon Chase card. I buy a lot from Amazon and still get cash back to spend at Amazon when making purchases elsewhere. I buy the occasional game for myself at no cost and when Xmas rolls around I can buy a number of gifts with Amazon points.
This is what I do. I don’t use a debit card, but instead use a “credit condom” so that if someone steals my cc and uses it, I’m not liable. I also pay in full so I don’t have to carry cash and keep a healthy / active credit history.
My credit score is about as good as it can get, and I have no problems buying anything big ticket.
This is basically what I do. It made keeping track of my finances really simple. I just try to keep my checking account balance higher than my credit card balance. If there's anything left when I pay off the card at the end of the month I move that over to savings. Easy peasy.
The thing I found about using my credit card like this is it actually ended up saving me a bunch of money because in times when money was tight it gave me the flexibility to stock up on things when they were on sale, or to get the extra jumbo value pack with better per-unit cost, because I could spread the cost over several paychecks instead of being limited to what I could afford out of just that week's paycheck. If you do it right it does a lot to take the edge off of "Vimes' boots" theory of socioeconomic unfairness.
Just to add to this, being selective about which card(s) you use and maximizing bonus points can lead to some pretty significant travel benefits.
It's a tie between getting rid of my car and learning to stop "trading". Cars are just the worst in terms of finances, and you can save bank if you're able to move somewhere walkable. Only buy stocks you're happy to hold for five years or more. A good test is "if the price crashes, would I be excited to buy more?"
Coincidentally, having cars as a hobby has been the worst financial decision of my life lol.
Hobbies aren't supposed to be about whether they're a good financial consideration, they're about passion, self fulfillment and looking after yourself.
I think, at least for non-savvy people, that buying individual stocks is not a great idea anyway. If you’re investing to have long term capital gains something like the MSCI World ETF would probably be the better choice. If you invested in that specific index fund in 2016 you’d have doubled your money by now, even during this economic downturn. Sure, you can make more money in a shorter time day trading but that shit is damn near a full time job and more risky unless you heavily diversify your portfolio (which you should do anyway).
Another poster mentioned stocks of the company he works for. My company for example distributes a good amount of their yearly profits to their employees. Meaning that once a year you can choose between a couple hundred bucks one-time payout or get a bunch of company stocks for a heavily discounted price, but they’re trade-locked for two years. At the beginning of 2020 I chose the stock option and the shares got bought right at the beginning of the covid dip. When 2022 rolled around I had essentially quintupled my initial investment in the discounted stocks. So that’s another great tip, provided you company offers similar plans.
Counterpoint to company stock is, if the company has trouble, your stock is likely to plummet at the same time as you lose your job. Definitely go for discounted shares/options, but consider dumping them (ie, diversifying) as soon as you can.
Media piracy.
If I wanted to watch a show, I'd have to pay 80€/month, because every streaming site only has one or two seasons.
I'm just done with corporate greed, fuck big companies, piracy is a service problem.
What about the actors and other staff who don't get paid for their work? Not everyone is a major Hollywood star.
They still don't get paid when you pay for the service it turns out.
They aren't getting paid anyways, clearly.
Although monopolies can suck balls, at this point, in the streaming industry, there's just too much competition, to the point that you have to purchase a service for its catalog, and that's 4-5 services to subscribe to at this point. It used to be more convenient to pirate stuff, then it got more convenient to just get netflix and hulu, now I'm back sailing the high seas.
Staff don't see a dime off revenue. They were already paid for their time worked during production. You paying a ticket or subscription doesn't give staff any more money.
They get paid by the producer. The producer get's money by selling a license to netflix, scamazon prime, etc. Netflix get's their money by scamming people, if no one wants to get scammed anymore and everyone'd stop subscribing to streaming services. The producer would have to actually sell it for a fair price directly to consumers or sell it to someone who sells it to consumers, like it used to be.
Always remember, that if they can't pay their staff, they have to find another buisnes or distribution model. The actors aren't the risk takers of the producers investment.
You should also never view pirates as a potential customer, if I wouldn't pirate I still wouldn't buy it.
I took a lower-paying job that I was more competent to do.
Due to lower stress levels, somehow I spend less money and my finances are way better. For the record we’re talking about making $110k then vs making $45k now.
My finances are in better shape. I have cognitive surplus at the end of the day, and I think maybe that’s translating to less escape-seeking.
Also, this year I made a new year’s resolution: I am going to have $5k in the bank, come hell or high water. I’ve lived my whole life without a buffer and life without a buffer sucks so hard.
Just having that goal — $5k in the bank — has changed my whole relationship to money. I haven’t even hit the $5k. I’m at $3k and even that feels amazing. It doesn’t matter if my paycheck is late. I can just pay my rent. Moving into a new apartment and the agent was like “are you prepared to pay a deposit and first month today?” and I was like “yup”.
In the past I’d always answer like “Well my next paycheck is on such and such date and can I maybe pay you half then, then the other half two weeks after that?” I was always relying on the flexibility and mercy of financial gatekeepers.
I’m amazed how such a small amount of money (compared to the total flow) being held onto has changed my perception of myself. I feel like a “legit” person now. I feel like a stakeholder in society. I feel like an adult, instead of a boy in a man’s body. I don’t even know when my paydays are any more.
And my income didn’t really increase between the time I had no buffer and the time I did. I just made the resolution, and then started putting money away.
I think your experience that your finances are better on $45k than $110k is quite mysterious and could do with some further elucidation
Like I said I have cognitive surplus. I don’t have to mainline takeout, drugs, and impulse purchases to feel safe.
Not OP, but... I took a pay cut years ago not as dramatic of a cut about 104k to 72k. I no longer had to drive to work but took a bus so I saved 90 miles (145 km) a day in driving. So I had a big savings on gas, and car, and with the time savings I could switch my kid to a regular daycare because I no longer needed extended hours. I had more free time to cook all of our meals so I had a big savings on food versus take out all the time. I also had the time to do work on my house versus hiring out. I cut back on vacation budgets but we had time to get out of the house and play at the parks and trails nearby every day. All and all a cut in income but a big increase in enjoyment in life. For savings I was able to save about the same between the two jobs.
I agree. I'd love it if I could take a less demanding job. Burnout sucks and I would love to have more time for my family and hobbies.
I just can't see how that would work between paying my home loan and other living expenses.
I don't know if that would work for me, but that's super interesting, thank you for sharing!
Leaving my wife, She destroyed my credit and finances.In less then 2 years I have fixed both.
Congrats on turning that around so quickly!
Kept scores like it was a video game.
Left my ex four years ago now and I’ve got a 700 credit score!
She didn’t fuck up my finances directly, but she undermined my sense of concrete reality and filled me with enormous amounts of stress and I couldn’t do anything but hang on by my fingertips in my career.
Four years of active healing and it’s finally starting to manifest in my external life.
Good for you getting your head in a better place.Sometimes what we want the most really is the worse thing for us.
I have two:
I did both decades ago, now I am set to retire early without worrying about paying big college bills for the kids
The education fund is key. We put away money for our two kids, and the oldest has taken 1 year out of it. We have enough for 5 years of Canadian university between them (double that if they choose college instead)
We've always been fortunate to have decent jobs, but feel like the wealthy class when we can just fund their tuition like it's nothing
We put away $200/mn into a couple of Scotia accounts. I wish now I ran it myself and just put it into S&P ETFs, but it still worked out well enough
Multigenerational living, on a farm. Most everything we eat or use comes from our property, our neighbors, or my husbands family’s property.
I’m very well cognizant this is not an option for a lot of people, and I know how lucky I am to not have to spend money on bills most people have… it’s a big reason why I try to pay it forward in many ways, as often as I can.
That said, I grew up in abject poverty… so I’m playing catch up, even now.
Such is reality.
Hope you got tomatoes then
It would be silly to not.
Here’s a tomato for you 🍅
Selling my car and getting an ebike. First few months were rough because I was used to having a car all the time for twenty years. The gas, insurance, registration and maintenance savings add up quick. My wife and I share a car, but I rarely drive it as I've gotten so used to the ebike now. We live in the suburbs, but are close to the light rail train line and bike paths so it made it relatively easy. Over the course of a year we'd typically spend $4000-$5000 on the second car so not having that is a lot of extra money
I'd like to be able to do that, but I'm not certain how feasible it is for me. What's the weather like in your area, throughout the year? In mine it goes from about about 60 to 90 where I can't imagine wanting to ride my bike at about 90, and arrive not drenched in sweat. How much do you think a person would spend to purchase an Ebike? How many miles do you expect to ride per 10 minutes, if you're trying to get somewhere? Near some places I frequent, there's not good public transit, so if I took it, it would take like 3 times longer than by car. A bike may be nice, but then I'ld probably arrive sweaty and maybe still about 2 times longer than by car (i'm not familiar with expected speed of traveling on a bike).
I would say that 90 F won't be a problem on an ebike, since you can rely a lot on the motor, and you have air flowing all around you. I mostly use a regular bike but then I just bring a spare t-shirt.
I would rather say that I don't like biking when it's below 35 F. Still doable, but not having to deal with that it should be really nice for you :)
Max allowed speed for ebikes on bikelanes varies but should be about 20 mph if you're using only the motor.
Consistently investing in mutual funds for last 7 years (Systematic Investment Plan)
Bonus: not caring about what others think of my clothes, car, jewellery or gadgets.
not caring about what others think of my clothes, car, jewellery or gadgets.
That really goes a long way.
Definitely. It's only when I meet my friends and family that I realise I live way too frugally.
Buying some bitcoin when it was around 300 euros. A couple of years ago I needed surgery that wasn't available in my country so the national insurance only covered it around 50% in another country and that bitcoin basically saved my life.
Great for you man!
Buying shares in a company I work at when it started up. I've had a 500% return in dividends over 7 years so far.
Putting all the money and labor into one horse is generally not a good financial advice. Glad it worked out for you.
I didn't put all my money in. I bought a 1.5% share. It was funded from part of my redundancy settlement from the previous company I worked for. Was it a gamble? Yes. Was it high risk to me? No. Besides the question wasn't asking for advice.
Bought a car for $500, drove it for a year, sold it for $500.
Free car... I love it!
My mom bought a car in my home country for 1.4 million local currency, sold it 2 years and an accident later for 1.6 million because Japanese imports stopped.
Very simply: consistent budgeting. We (my wife and I) go envelope-style and budget/plan or money every paycheck. I swear it's magic that turns money into more money.
It's also let us systematically pay off all our non-mortgage debt and save/invest a large amount over the last decade. Now we have enough that we don't worry about money anymore.
The single most important thing I've ever done for my finances was learning to budget so I could have a plan and manage my money on purpose.
Heard of YNAB? You need a budget.
Great for envelope budgeting!
Yup! I'm a fan and a current customer (have been with them over a decade)... except that it's kinda expensive now. For people new to it I'd recommend actualbudget instead and just do manual/semi-manual imports.
YNAB is so fucking confusing
I saved up a small buffer and I swear it’s like magic too. Like somehow money is abundant. This is a tiny buffer, maybe 1.5 months of expenses. But even that, I have like zero worry about money and it seems like I always have tons of money.
It doesn’t seem to make mathematical sense. It seems like I have more money than I should. Not just the buffer but in my checking account.
I can’t really explain how it doesn’t make rational sense how much money I have right now. My income hasn’t changed but I’m like always having more than I need. I’m honestly a little freaked out.
Same here. When you're struggling financially, it can feel easier to stick your head in the sand and not deal with your problems. Unfortunately that solves nothing.
At some point in my career, I spent a few years in banking. Banks treat money with a very cold and emotionless attitude. The goal is to extract the maximum value out of every dollar and you're either getting the most value or you're not. That experience shaped a lot of my views on money. I started budgeting and tracking all my expenses. It took a few years but today we're in very good financial condition.
Banks don’t try to get the most value out of money. They try to get the most money out of money. Money doesn’t really have value until you trade it for something else.
Not owning a car is probably the single most significant saving most people can make, a moped/e-bike will pay itself off within the year from gas costs alone, and public transport in europe at least is usually slightly less than that for a year ticket.
I wish it was possible not to own a car in the US. But our infrastructure is built so poorly that it is actually impossible.
I feel the same. Even in a state as populated as NJ the public transit system is mediocre unless you are going into NYC.
Yes awful public transportation...but "impossible"? Nahh. Still, could save alot of wear and tear getting and ebike for a portion of travel distance.
I feel bad for the younger generations. This whole car culture and at most places being mandatory is just bad.
I am fortunate to live in a city with decent public transit. I could have owned a car back in 2018 but I put that on standby indefinitely. The money I saved went into buying a house. And now, a bigger house.
I buy the best car I can afford for cash and maintain it. Repayments on a $30,000 car work out at around $7500 a year for me. Until a car starts costing me big in repairs or breaking down repeatedly and inconveniencing me I just pay the money and keep it well maintained.
A $10,000 volvo that Ive had for 3 years has cost me $3k in assorted repairs. So $13000 vs $22500.
Question about the public transport system, how long does it take to get to common destinations like work, grocery stores, doctors, and etc? Also, how easy is it to get to stations/stops?
For example, the closest grocery store by me is a 37 minute walk or 12 minutes by bike I just don't think it would be practical to ride with a weeks worth of food for a family. There is no public transportation available.
When living in more walkable areas you don't feel the need to stockpile food as much. Often times you'll pass a grocer on your commute and can grab some fresh ingredients to use that night or the next few days. This can help save money too as you can take better advantage of short sales and have more opourtunity for "eat today" type discounts. Theres also the health benefits of active transportation. Unfortunately in most western society being able to walk to essential life giving food isn't seen as a priority in neighbourhood design.
There are electric cargo bikes that you can strap large panniers or containers to
I personally don't ride anymore except for exercise, partially because I'm soft, and partially because there are not many safe paths/bike lanes to shopping areas
For distances you can reach within 20-30min on bike, public transport is usually about equal. Here in sweden (where public transport is kinda eeeeh) gettign to the stops is easy so long as you're not outside a town.
I think your problem is that you're applying car logic to non-car modes of transport: when you can reach the store in 12 minutes by bike there's little reason to buy a week's worth of food at once.
I usually buy food for maybe 2-3 days at a time, and not seldom i will just buy the ingredients for a meal literally a couple hours before, since it takes no time at all to go shopping.
You can also get a cargo bike which will honestly fit about as much food as people bring in their cars anyways. Same goes with a bike trailer.
A $2300 Toyota three years ago. It’s probably saved me about 15K in car payments. It’s old and ugly but I’m so much further ahead because of it.
I'd strongly recommend you continuing to make a "car payment" to yourself.
Wow, that's incredibly cheap for a car! My biggest worry worry used cars was always maintenance. Did you have a lot of problems to fix along the way?
Couple usual small things like suspension, struts, tires, brakes, etc. and some rust repair (salty Ontario roads), but nothing major.
The key thing is finding a vehicle with only one or two owners, wasn’t used for Uber/delivery, had all the required maintenance, and was generally well cared for. Most cars will easily hit 500K km barring any major design defects these days.
Am a devops engineer. Started working in my home country (in Europe) making 1.2k€ a month. It wasn't the money I wanted, so last year changed my linkedin location to the Netherlands. Offers just poured in. Now I make 4k (liquid) a month being a JUNIOR devops engineer. Insane how just changing linkedin locations changed my life so much
But did you move? And where are you from?
I did endup moving (for tax reasonsand because I always wanted to live abroad), but I could stay in my home country if I wanted, as the job is fully remote. I'm from Portugal
Why would that work? And you still work in the same country?
I bought a little town house 12 years ago. I didn't really want to. My wife talked me into it. I was worried that I'd never pay it off. With the cost of housing now I couldn't possibly afford to buy. I have a house, and a nice nest egg for retirement one day. Thanks wife!
Started cooking at home.
Working from home helped a lot with this. Saving money on transportation, plus the lunches out and after work drinks, made a huge impact on my finances.
I bought an electric car.
Now when I drive by the gas station I couldn't care less how much gas costs!
I've never tasted such freedom.
Do you have any range issues? Forget to charge it?
When I still had a car, it was never an issue except on long road trips. You plug the car in every evening, and wake up with a "full tank".
On long road trips, I charged during bathroom and lunch breaks, and did a little preplanning on the route. Still not a major issue.
Ironically, I almost ran out of gas the next time I rented an ICE car, because I totally forgot that refueling was a thing you had to do.
I have to be very proactive about where super chargers are.
I live in Georgia USA and there's a bunch of dead zones without chargers still. But there hasn't been any single time where I was unable to charge and I drive A LOT!
I haven't forgotten to charge, at least not yet!
What I have had an issue with is installing a home charger. Electricians have given me estimates estimates ranging from 2500 to 10,000. Like wtf!
Same here. i pay less on the downpayment, and power consumption in a month. Then what I used monthly in fuel only on the old thirsty petrol car.
Scratching the surface compared to an ebike. Virtually 0 fuel/maintenance cost. No insurance/registration AND parking.
Nice. How do you like charging at home / at stations? Are charging stations sometimes a pain? I haven't seen many but I'm also not actively looking out for them but from what I've heard it's all expanding nicely.
I'm looking to trade in aTacoma for a Ford F150 lightning or some other electric pickup since 99.9% of the time it's just used to drive around town.
I've been having some issues getting the plug installed. I've gotten estimates across the board from 1600 bucks to 8k! But I'll get it taken care of eventually.
I live in Georgia USA and there are plenty of dead areas for chargers unlike California where you can't spit without getting it on a fast charger.
If you get a level 2 charger installed in your house it is completely possible to charge only at your house.
Chevy is releasing the Silverado and Suburban fully electric along with the Equinox. It's worth a consideration.
I've owned one for 3 years now. My only maintenance costs were a $10 tire rotation and filling up wiper fluid. Even better, the park by my house where I walk my dog has free solar charging!
Living in place with incredibly cheap and accessible public transport (365€/ year for the whole city; 1090€/year for the whole country), while not owning a car.
Hello to Vienna. If you live just outside that city then you get to pay for three states instead, no longer cheap.
We still need a big car for travels.
Yeah I got the Austrian-wide ticket, bc I go to Linz a lot. If I need a car I can borrow or rent one. Still is so much cheaper thann owning one
Put at least 10% (including match) of your salary in my low load market index 401k.
Start with your first job. You will never miss it.
“The best time to plant a tree is 30 years ago. The second best time is now.”
I’ve never gotten this “save 10%” thing. Why target a percentage of your income? Save as much as you can.
Stop trying to beat the market. Invest in a cheap global index fund and just keep buying.
This, in combination with “budgeting” as explained in that other comment, is probably the best advice to sleep sound and well, at least when it comes to the financial side of life.
I dumped most of my life savings into buying stocks after COVID happened. I had just started investing and took a massive hit in March of 2020. Rather than pulling my money, I waited a month for the market to stop falling. Then I put a lot of money into US oil, and a few Casino/resort stocks.
I didn't have a ton of money, but those investments have more than doubled. I still can't fully pay of my house, but im getting close.
I went for a 5 year mortgage rather than a 2 year at my last renewal. With how much rates have increased by recently, I think this will have saved me about £15k by the end of the 5 years.
Quitting coffee.
I quit meat and it was similarly amazing for my budget.
Fellow vegetarian here, it's insane the meals you can make for dirt cheap with only some veggies and some spices (and obvs some extra occasionally)
Coffee brings me too much joy to quit 😅
Not my top, but this puts so many dollars back in my pocket
Brewing your own coffee instead of buying it from cafe helps too
Become self-employed with a practice. Reliable income that depends on how much work I’m willing to put in and no one can fire me.
The only caveat being… if I get seriously ill, there’s nobody to cover me unless I’m willing to pay someone a small fortune.
One of the worst financial decisions I ever made was going into business for myself with no cash on hand.
I had no ability to turn down clients, took clients I had bad gut feeling out because I needed to pay rent, and had over a decade of constant scrambling and dealing with shitty clients on small potatoes contracts.
Next time (if ever) I go out on my own it’s gonna be with a big enough buffer to be able to maneuver.
Ahh, that’s why you get a partner that can cover your business and only occasionally frustrates you with incompetence or laziness..
I wish. I’m not there yet money-wise, but that’s the plan. ATM there are only expensive emergency backups.
I was counseled about finances three times in my life and two times I lost money in the low thousands because they sold me ok things way too expensive.
One time the financial counseling was sound, but the house was crap and I lost thousands for that.
Luckily I was always budgeting, so these things never ruined me.
The best advice I have, don’t trust your financial advisors, particularly those who emphasize the importance of trust.
Take the time to understand what you are investing in and the cost structure. This can take months and don’t let yourself get pressured. Do not trust the advisor! Be skeptical and ask all the questions. If they get impatient they have nothing good to sell and rely on the customers inexperience. Very similar things are sold for vastly different prices, and you need to understand that. Particularly for security the cost can easily ruin an otherwise good product.
Definitely the house we bought. Bought just before COVID. There was a bloody ton of houses on the market. Got my house for 70,000 under asking with them paying for half the cost of a new roof(inspector said it was fine for a few more years but we tossed it in to see if they'd bite).
Haven't done anything to the house other than paint and the new roof, we stand to profit well over 100,000 now. Considering, we're potentially moving to the city I grew up in to raise a few tykes, it will come in handy.
Learning about FIRE -> investing in ETFs.
I buy my rolling papers in bulk, boxes of 24. Each pack costs around £1 instead of £2. I get those Connoisseur Packs with the included roach cards. Saves me a lot of money, as I do smoke a lot of spliffs if I'm honest.
another genius revelation from jaden smith
Bought a house near the ocean in California. Simply unfair what the returns have been compared to elsewhere. I’m benefiting from a crisis.
Moved from the east coast to California, without a job lined up. I had an apartment with two roommates to move in with however.
This was about 1.5 years after graduating from a mostly crappy school with a BS in Computer Science. The job opportunities in the Bay Area super paid off. 23 years later I'm living a life that I couldn't have dreamed about growing up.
Paying off all our credit cards and cancelling them and living off cheque / savings accounts rather than credit.
We did this about 5 years ago before COVID uncertainty and the current cost of living crisis and I’m just so relieved we don’t have to worry about paying anything off.
If you’re good about treating it like cash, credit cards aren’t a bad thing. The cashback/rewards are nice as they are not taxable. (At least in the US)
That said, for some the temptation of credit is too much.
The gamification of credit card points can be a problem, too (overspending on stuff you don't really need or want to get those rewards). I use a credit card for this, too, but it can be murky waters if you don't have really good planning and impulse control (which I will admit I don't always have myself).
Changing jobs in 2021. Managed to almost double my salary overnight with less stress.
Stop spending on games :(
Taking out a good loan to consolidate my credit card debts, and make them cheaper at the same time. I might be paying it off for 5 years but the interest and monthly payments are cheaper.
I mean, for me it was the single best financial decision I ever made. Not financial advice lol
Buying a crappy house. It's structurally sound, but not a good neighborhood, crappy schools, and I don't want to have people visit, but it cost half the county median and the difference in mortgage goes into index funds. My peers have nicer homes, but its their only asset: if they want to retire, they have to sell the house and move somewhere cheap.
I'd say investing in my 401k.
I'd recommend to anybody looking for sound financial advice to look into Dave Ramsey. You can watch his YouTube videos and gain all the knowledge you need free. I never went through any of his courses and do not have any association with him. I was already doing most things he recommends and it works.
Dave os okay for debt addicts to break that cycle but he's generally bad on basically everything else.
He's generally non-optimal on other things, but I certainly wouldn't call his advice straight up bad on anything. Overall most people are signficantly better off following his advice than doing average-person personal finance things - the average person is pretty terrible with money and Dave's plan is a huge step up from that.
It's kinda like calling one diet bad because it's not as optimized as some other diet, but really both diets are amazing when you compare them to eating McDonalds 3 meals a day.
What do you think is bad? Maybe I didn't see what you're saying. He tells people to invest in 401k and spread it out over multiple different segments. He recommends do not buy new vehicles. Buy used. Pay off all debt.
I went through the CFA certification process and it helped me advance in wealth management where I can afford a family and a decent life.
I don't make a killing like some but family is happy.
Work isn't that fulfilling so figuring that out but it was a great financial decision. Cost like less than 5k and work paid for most.
I read that as "a family and a decent wife"...
Starting a business
What's your business?
TLDR: Computers
I got super lucky being in the right place/right time. I started a company when COVID hit with the intention of just selling computers. The market sort of pushed me into selling computers for AI/ML which i knew nothing about but had a good background in Linux, so I could offer a lot of added services in terms of DevOps/MLOps, setting things up for customers as added value which my (much larger and more established) competition didn’t. This led to some enterprise connections, started selling servers, more things happened and 3 years later I have a full engineering team and we’re morphing into an OEM. There’s a lot I’m leaving out but if there’s one takeaway I can give, it’s that:
Bought a derelict lot of land in echo park, 5 dilapidated buildings, pigeons in everything, the kind of place you hung out as a kid to break bottles and smoke cigarettes. It has been vacant and falling in for 30 years. Everyone thought we were crazy (1999).
tl;dr pulled up 10,000 sq ft of asphalt by hand, turned one building into a house legally, later outfitted s garage into a sprawling oddball house we rentcto friends.
Now it's all grown in, our biggest problem rn is a tree fell over from soaking up winter rain.
I can't complain but sometimes I still do.
Offset mortgage
2 pieces of tech, 1 piece of software (4 if we include freeware)
A 3D Printer has become a corner stone of repair and tidiness in my house hold thanks to it. Saves me money on knickknacks on tools to keep things working and wires cleaned up.
FreeCad and PrusaSclicer have been helpful to make that happen.
The other is an Elgato hdmi recorder, allowing me to turn my various mobile devices and stream boxes in DVR. With editing software like DaVinci Resolve, Magix Vegas I am able to record my shows at a good quality and edit them down to remove things like streaming company logos.
I wont go into the specifics since I don’t want this gravy train to stop, but handbrake is the last part of the process to compress the video down to a bit sized format.
I need to get going on my 3D printer, it's just an expensive device collecting dust at the moment... Last few times I tried to do a test print it just slid around after a few layers and ruined the print.
Increase the bed temp, try using a glue stick on the bed, and add a brim. It that doesn't work check the first layer height.
What printer? If you have a glass bed, glue stick like the other guy said.. if you have a textured pei sheet, clean the sheet with 99% isopropyl alcohol.
Actually any time you touch the bed with your hands, no matter if it's glass or pei, clean it with 99% isopropyl alcohol. The oils on your hands are the enemy of good bed adhesion.
Rolled over a 401k into a cash IRA the week before Lehman died
ETA: the timing was pure luck. I had no clue what was about to go down.
I diversified my savings account. Some is put into precious metals,a CD, and some in stocks.