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  • Lol the funniest part of Marxism Leninism to me is how literally every ML is like “wait shit, this population is struggling with literacy? Nah fuck that, we building schools and teaching kids and adults to read” like from Hoxha to Stalin to Castro to Mao to Minh everyone recognizes illiteracy as an evil of class struggle

  • That is terrible

  • Reactionaries: "That's because of them dang commies!"

  • Damn, I thought Cali was supposed to have better public education than the rest of the country. No water, no air, and no education? Surprised people still live there at this point.

  • Reminds me of an ad/news program in Cyberpunk 2077 where the newsreader was telling the viewer about the astonishing illiteracy rates1 of the NUSA2, or at the very least, Night City.3

    Seems like the real USA is slowly heading to that direction as well.

    1 - I don't remember the exact rates, I think she said 1 in 4 people in the NUSA is literate

    2 - New United States of America

    3 - which - by the way - is located in California in CP2077's world. Prophetic, huh?

  • Better Call Cuba

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