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  • I noticed in hindsight that this post is a repost. Credit to @Zuberi for posting "Jon Stewart, Gary Gensler spar over SEC oversight: ‘It’s not a level playing field,’ Gensler says" about a month ago. I didn't find the original post when searching because it used a different title.

    • Don't sweat duplicates. It happens. If we've already read it, we can skip the redundant ones.

      But thanks for the notice, I'll go repeat my comment left below here over there as well.

  • At least he’s honest some of the time 🤷‍♀️:

    JS: Generally it seems like people don’t go to jail for financial crimes; they pay fines. I think that’s a fair statement.

    GG: That’s fair.

  • Jon Stewart sucks. Controlled opposition.

    What strong small communities of strong free and equal individuals are doing is what will lead to change. Stop looking for leaders or figureheads to carve the path for you and grant "legitimacy", and stop worshiping at alter of media figures.

    Hollywood and media is largely a cesspool of propaganda and a state/corpo/wallstreet controlled environment full of attention seeking grifters either looking to get rich, powerful, or just be seen at popular events. They are mostly looking to latch on to a cause so they can be seen as 'cool' or 'relevant' by the populace and massage their image and stroke their egos to build a brand.

    Many of the GME communities, including this one, are leading the way on the grass-roots equal and strong groups of individuals thing brilliantly, but everytime I look, keeps falling back on that crutch of wanting to be part of the en vogue clique or get that popular kid from the right group to represent them.

    Look at the upvotes on this post and all those like it. How many times have the communities elevated members or outsiders to be let down by them monumentally. Learn a lesson already.

    • falling back on that crutch of wanting to be part of the en vogue clique or get that popular kid from the right group to represent them

      That’s one perspective, sure.

      Another perspective is all press is good press 🤷‍♀️

      Yet another perspective is that our cause is sufficiently viable enough to be targeted for the propaganda you describe 😉

      Learn a lesson already.

      Respectfully, the only lesson is buy, hodl, and DRS 💎🤙

      • Respectfully, the only lesson is buy, hodl, and DRS 💎🤙

        Respect, friend 🤝👊

      • I completely respect your opinions and others' even if they differ from mine.

        However, I don't subscribe to that logic (edit: the any attention being good bit). Look where an ever increasing amount of corporate press, full of lies and gaslighting and corruption and propaganda has gotten us.

        Add small voices like ours to the conversation to persuade and counter. Or maybe get some of the new, dissident, alternative press to chip in if you have vetted and trust them. But trust is the key components here. I trust those I know personally, not faces on my screen or voices in my ear.

        I've watches Stewart his whole career and think he's a snake, and one of "them'". Controlled opposition as I said. I think those types pay lips service to tamp down movements so those in the movement think, "oh, look, someone important and popular is on our side and coming to save us. Maybe even a congress critter! Guess I'll just wait for them to do the heavy lifting with the DC and corpo connected big boys". Back to providing for your family and trying to enjoy life and such, which is good, but for those snakes. OR fall back into your regularly scheduled complacency.

        Look at Occupy Wall Street, or any other large social movement. The Jon Stewarts of those events did fuck all to change the system.

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