NewsWave RSS reader. Contribute to xurxia/newswave development by creating an account on GitHub.
I have developed a project in #python to follow #RSS feeds and send an email with daily news. It is more an excuse to practice python, git and design patterns than a real project, but feel free to use it if you find it useful. Suggestions, opinions and feedback are welcome.
Skimming through code and looks good - some Python features I forgot had been added.
Curious to know if Output.status is always either -1 or 1. Is this just a holdover for a future where we have specific error codes and don’t want to do exception handling on Output.error?
Yes, the idea is use in the future Output.status as a way to route to different pages depending of the model result. For example, when /list endpoint is called I could return 1 to show the feed list, and 2 to render a page with a message and suggestions when the feed list is empty. The same with negative numbers but for errors.