It's alchemy really.
79ReplyDo you have a version of this with a bit less jpeg by any chance
This is the best I could find. Looks like op grabbed their copy from reddit. Had to go off the beaten path to find a clearer one.
It still cracks me up that guitar people call filters "wah"
7ReplyWah is the movement of a narrow band pass filter in a rather limited range, often done using a somewhat expressive timing.
It's not normally used as a static filter.
Where's the "running a maxed out HM-2 pedal into a Peavey solid state amp"?
I'm drifting from guitar to synth and the language is even more niche and stupid lmao.
30ReplyPlease provide citations ✍️ 🤔
This frankles me as guitarist of 40 years. I've never played electric so I'm kdomfed.
22ReplyI've played both electric and acoustic (and bass and banjo) for 35+ years and none of this makes any sense to me either. I suspect it may be an age issue.
Overmystification of guitar tone brought us people that think tone doesn't actually matter...
21ReplyHey, I took finding the best Bluetooth speaker to put inside a custom built porcelain WC VERY seriously for my latest black metal album.
You sound like a mechanical keyboard enthusiasts.
12ReplyYou take that back!
Thock and bonkle are totally different.
9ReplyThat really demystifies a lot of black metal for me. I guess probably because I can actually hear what's going on.
Totally brillig!
8ReplyWait until you speak to a bass aficionado.
5ReplyI'm thirsty, I need wahwah
4ReplyIt stopped being fun when it stopped being analogue