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I am to celebrate new years eve alone. How can I celebrate solo?

For reasons I may not disclose freely on the internet. I am going to celebrate new years eve this year by myself. Does anyone know of ways to solitarily celebrate new years eve?

Note: Englisch is not my first language

Edit: Thank you all so much for the responses. I ended up making it a good movie night, and watched the count down on tv. Along with some retro video games, plus pizza. All things considered it was a night well spent!

  • My alone NYE when the wife is working is typically a dinner of hors d'oeuvres type foods, made throughout the night. Cheese and crackers, some summer sausage if I have it, puff pastries with spinach or Buffalo chicken, pigs in a blanket, mozzarella sticks, maybe some samosas, even pizza rolls. For entertainment, a good video game or two and several of the NYE streams on YouTube to make fun of.

    Looking forward to seeing how God awful the Planet Fitness show is this year! Dick Clark and Casey Kasem are both rolling in their graves tomorrow night for sure.

  • This might not be the answer you're looking for but the way I see it, it's just another day, and we generally put far too much pressure on it and on ourselves on it, and that it's perfectly fine to not do anything special.

    If for your own reasons you really do want to celebrate anyway, try and make/order your favourite meal, think of a good movie or two that always make you feel nice, and spend your evening enjoying those, but most importantly - don't feel down or bad for being alone, there's nothing wrong with that, and even if it feels like there is, this one night has very little significance in the grand scheme of things.

  • Not sure what to recommend. Last year I spent it by listening to taxi drivers wishing happy new year to each other via their radios using SDR. But that was more like just 2 minutes as the new year came. Still, plenty of drunk phone calls around 1am.

    Anyway, that's probably not much of a fun activity, and it's not likely you have SDR either.
    Probably just watch some movies, order some better (in taste, not quality) food and enjoy those. Maybe go fire some quiet fireworks like fountains, if you fancy those. I say the "quiet" bit as a dog owner.

  • Dude, just get a bunch of weed and alcohol of your preference and just enjoy... I'd give my right leg if I could spend new year's eve alone... or any other eve for that matter.

  • I treat it like any other day and ignore all events focused on relationships, but I'm partially disabled and unable to do anything social. Just do whatever you find interesting in life and ignore the "celebration" the memory will fade into the background like all the other days and you won't have depressive repercussions due to self reflection.

  • Make your favorite food for dinner. Snack on your favorite comfort food. Play video games or watch a favorite movie. The key is to pamper yourself.