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What gifts that you received for Christmas this year are already in the trash?

For me, there were several dollar store trinkets that already broke, and one toy for my kids that was a huge sparkly styrofoam mess waiting to happen, so I threw it out rather than curse anyone else with it.

  • Can confirm. That sparkly styrofoam stuff became a huge mess approximately 5min after opening.

    Kudos to your foresight, and congratulations for the free time you saved by not cleaning up this pink and purple bullshit

    • Do you happen to have pictures/videos? I can't imagine what you're talking about.

      • Of the mess, no. But here's a pic of Satan's abomination...

        It's basically tiny styrofoam balls that stick together, I think it's mostly static electricity holding it together. Once you open the package, and start manipulating the biodiversity hazard, it leaves little pieces of itself everywhere.

        Much like herpes, and just as welcome. In my case, Satan was feeling extra cute so there was glitter mixed into the packaged santorum.

        It's now day 6 after opening and I guarantee I'll find little purple and pink assholes around my house

  • I'm actually just about to celebrate Christmas in the next hour or so. My dad's health went downhill over the holidays and he needed to be moved to assisted living, so we had to delay Christmas for a bit.

    I asked my family to get me gift cards because I don't like receiving a bunch of trinkets/cheap toys. And the non-cheap "toys" I want are too expensive for my family to afford. So I'd rather they contribute cash toward something I really want.

  • The baked goods a lady from my dad's church gave me. I don't even know what they were; it tasted and looked like it was just a bunch of dallops of cake frosting sprinkled with almond dust. I don't really eat sweets, and these offended my taste buds when I ate one. Nobody else wanted to take them off my hands so into the trash they went.

    • Meringues?

      • Maybe? I've never had meringue as anything other than what tops a lemon meringue pie, and that's pretty fluffy and light and doesn't really taste like frosting (butter cream frosting to be specific). These treats in question were fairly dense, and a bit crumbly. Could be meringue that's dried out some, I guess.

  • My 2.5 toddler got a little collectible car. It somehow exploded into all its tiny parts on the first trip to the ground, which of course was shortly after opening.